Get ready for Crowdpurr's newest Experience Type - Live Bingo! Crowdpurr live-audience Bingo Games are a fun and interactive way to have your crowd compete against each other and earn points in a game of chance! Crowdpurr Bingo allows you to use the traditional Bingo format or customize players' Bingo Cards to add fun images and GIFs for your players to mark off. Add a round of fun live bingo to your virtual and live Experiences!
How Does Crowpdurr Bingo Work?
Crowdpurr lets you create Bingo Games using our 100% original pre-loaded Bingo categories like Movies, Music, Celebrities, and Sports. Alternatively, you can even create custom Bingo content to customize your game for your company, family, friends, brand, event theme, etc.
During a Bingo Game, players can earn points by marking off squares and winning multiple Bingo lines. The earlier that players score a BINGO, the more points they earn!
Bingo Game Formats
Bingo offers classic formats including numerical-style and letter-styled games! With a new expansion to Crowdpurr's existing Bingo Library, you can use fun pre-built Bingo cards highlighting your favorite categories, holidays, and trending topics.
You can create Bingo Games like:
- Rockstar Bingo
- Mixed Drink Bingo
- Crazy Cat GIFs Bingo
- And Much More!
Live Bingo
Live Bingo is the classic bingo game format and works like a standard bingo game at your local bingo hall. As squares are called during the game, players find and mark the matching squares off their bingo cards. Players are then ranked numerically on the leaderboard based on how many squares and/or bingos they've obtained.
Quiz Bingo
Quiz Bingo combines the concept of a Trivia and Bingo Game into one game! This mode allows you to display Square Hints for your players to use as they try to find the associated called square on their bingo card.
Compatible Scoring
Not only will players be able to earn points with each square they mark off or lines they win, but Bingo scoring is also compatible with Trivia Game scoring, including Team Trivia and Multi-Game Rankings. This lets you add a live Bingo Game right in the middle of your multi-round trivia event and still have your players' points count toward their existing rankings and even add their scores to the overall rankings.
Action Effects displaying after a player earns a Bingo
Presenting the Bingo Game to Your Crowd
During the Bingo Game, your crowd can follow along in real-time with our Presentation View as they mark off their Bingo cards using their mobile device, or the Participant View. The Presentation View opens in a desktop web browser tab and can be shown on an overhead projector, an HDTV screen, or anything that can connect to your computer and accept a video signal - similar to giving a presentation using PowerPoint or Keynote. You can then put the Presentation View into full-screen mode using the button in the lower right-hand corner.
Showing Previous Bingo Squares and Rankings Leaderboard
With the Presentation View, you can show both the newly called Bingo square, along with up to 5 of the previously called squares for your crowd to reference as they mark their cards off on their mobile device. Every now and then, you can show the crowd which player is currently in the lead by displaying the Rankings Leaderboard during the game.
At the end of your Bingo round, you can show the Final Rankings Leaderboard and announce the winner of your game!
Exporting Bingo Game Results
When your Bingo Game is complete, every square marked off from every player and the overall player rankings can be exported as a CSV file spreadsheet for import into Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. You can also collect participant lead capture data like First Name, Last Name, Email, Age, Phone Number, and many others. If you've upgraded to any of our Premium Plans, this data can be exported as a CSV file spreadsheet to collect and archive lead capture from your audience. At a minimum, your players must input a Nickname in order to have their name displayed on the live rankings leaderboard.
Experience Playback Modes
By default, Bingo Games are created in Host Controlled Mode. This mode assumes that you as the host want to control the Bingo Game - manually calling squares, showing any Game Notes, showing the Rankings Leaderboard, etc. The game's progression is entirely in your control making it easy for you or a friend to control a live Bingo Game while a host narrates and commentates during the game.
Alternatively, you can set your Bingo Game under the Fully Automatic Mode. This mode automatically progresses through the Bingo Game by automatically calling squares and displaying any enabled viewer displays such as the Rankings, Game Notes, etc. You can also specify what factor will trigger the end of your Bingo Game such as setting how many bingos you would like the game to award before stopping. Or you can set the game to call all squares before ultimately ending the game.
Even More Details on Trivia Games
We've just scratched the surface. Check out the following articles for more details on the options available in Crowdpurr Bingo:
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