A Crowdpurr "Experience" is any interactive application created in Crowdpurr.
Your plan's Experience Limit simply refers to the number of simultaneous Experiences you are allowed to create and run at the same time. For example, if you're on the Classroom Plan, you may not create more than 10 Experiences. However, you can run, rest, and re-run Experiences as many times as you like. They do not get used up or run out per se so if you reach the Experience Limit of your plan, you can simply delete some of your older Experiences or upgrade to a higher plan.
Polls allow you to ask your audience opinion-based questions like, "Who is your favorite President of the United States?" or "What should our company focus on next year?" Your crowd can choose from Multiple-Choice, Text-Answer, Numerical-Answer, Like or Dislike, Yes or No, and Drag & Drop questions for your Poll. There is no right or wrong answer in a poll, only your crowd's subjective feedback.
During the Poll, you can show the results from your crowd in real time. The idea of a Poll is to gather information and/or feedback from your crowd. You can then visualize the crowd responses in the Presentation View or export them as a CSV file spreadsheet for later use.
To learn more about Polls, check out the following articles:
- Crowdpurr Polls Explained
- Step-by-Step Tutorial: Creating Your First Poll
- Video: How To Easily Create an Interactive Crowd Poll Using Crowdpurr
Trivia Games
Trivia Games are similar to Polls, except each trivia question has a Correct Answer. Examples of trivia questions are, "Which baseball team won the World Series in 2016?" or "How many donuts are in a baker's dozen?" Your crowd competes against each other to answer each question correctly in the shortest amount of time. Questions can be in Multiple-Choice, Text-Answer, Numerical-Answer, or Drag and Drop formats.
During the Trivia Game, you can show the crowd's Live Answer Results, the Correct Answer, any Question Notes, and the live player Rankings. Your crowd can compete individually or in teams. At the end of the game, the player or team with the most points wins! The winner can be seen on the live rankings in the Presentation View. You can even export the rankings as a CSV file spreadsheet for later use.
To learn more about Trivia Games, check out the following articles:
- Crowdpurr Trivia Games Explained
- Step-by-Step Tutorial: Creating Your First Trivia Game
- Video: How To Easily Create Live Crowd Trivia Using Crowdpurr
Social Walls
Social Walls allow your crowd to voice their opinion and share photos using Twitter, Instagram, or Crowdpurr. You simply add a #hashtag that you want to use and any tweets or posts made to Twitter and Instagram will automatically be shown nicely organized live on your Social Media Wall. Your Social Wall can be projected to your crowd at an event or shown on an HDTV at your event space or building, for example.
If a crowd member doesn't use Twitter or Instagram, they can also post messages and photos using Crowdpurr. The Social Wall scrolls through all your crowd's posts. You can even moderate posts and edit and/or remove posts you don't want on your Social Wall. You can also export the posts as a CSV file spreadsheet for later review.
To learn more about Social Walls, check out the following articles:
- Crowdpurr Social Walls Explained
- Step-by-Step Tutorial: Creating Your First Social Wall
- Video: How To Easily Create a Live Social Media Wall Using Crowdpurr
Bingo Games
Bingo Games allows you to create Bingo Games using our 100% original pre-written Bingo categories. Alternatively, you can even create your own custom Bingo content to customize your game to your company, family, friends, brand, event theme, etc! Hosting a Bingo Game is a fun and interactive way to have your crowd compete against each other and earn points in a game of chance. Players can earn points by marking off squares and winning multiple Bingo lines. The earlier that players score a BINGO, the more points they earn!
To learn more about Bingo Games, check out the following articles:
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