Users on the Classroom Plan or higher can send SMS Text or Email Notifications to participants on an Experience's VIP Guest List. Sending notifications is a great way to alert participants that your event is starting soon and that they should join!
Crowdpurr allows you to set up multiple notifications in advance so you can alert participants minutes, hours, or days in advance before your event begins. You can even include a clickable URL in the notification so participants can join your Experience directly after clicking it.
Notification Use Cases
VIP Guest List Notifications serve a variety of purposes including:
- Alerting participants that your event is starting soon and that they should join by clicking on the included Crowd URL to join the event
- Notifying participants that your event's date or start time has changed and that they need to update their calendars
- Reminding your participants several days or hours in advance about when your event is starting
- Any other type of update for participants before your event begins
How VIP Guest List Notifications Work
In order to send VIP Guest List Notifications, you must use Crowdpurr's VIP Guest List feature. The VIP Guest List allows you to better secure your event by importing either your participants' Emails or Phone Numbers to a virtual guest list. This is usually done before the actual event and as participants register for your event on your website, purchase a ticket on Eventbrite, Facebook, or another registry portal, etc.
As they register, you add them to the VIP Guest List for your Experience. To join and gain access to your event, the participant must enter a unique Email or Phone Number that matches one from your VIP Guest List when signing into the Experience.
Because the VIP Guest List makes use of participant Emails or Phone Numbers, Crowdpurr can send either emails or SMS text messages as notifications to your registered participants. If your VIP Guest List is set to use participant Emails, then you may send email notifications. If your VIP Guest List is set to use participant Phone Numbers, then you may send SMS text notifications.
Create a New Notification
To create a new VIP Guest List Notification, click on the purple Crowd Leads tab on the Experience Dashboard. Then click on the Notifications section heading.
Notifications section under the Leads tab
Under the Create New Notification section, you can then create a new notification.
Subject Line of the Notification
If your VIP Guest List is set to use Email Address, you will see a Subject Line of the Notification input. This is the Subject Line of the email that will be sent. Enter a Subject Line for your notification. An example is pre-populated.
Body Text of the Notification
Enter the body text of the notification. This is what your participants will see in the SMS text message or email that is sent. Crowdpurr pre-populates the input with a default message and an example of how clickable URLs for your Experience must be entered. Feel free to use emojis, multiple lines, references to start times, and the Crowd URL to join your experience.
When finished, click on the Create Notification button. This will create your notification and add it to the Notification List. NOTE: This does not send your notification.
Notification List & Reviewing Notifications
As you create notifications, they will be added to the Notification List.
All created notifications appear under the Notification List
The Notification List displays information like the notification's Body, Type, Creation Time, and whether the notification has been Sent or not.
Editing a Notification
If you need to edit a notification's body text or subject line, simply click on the green Pencil icon to bring up the edit module.
The Edit Notification module under the Notification List
From this box, you'll also be able to select other settings like Clone Notification or Remove Notification. Once you've applied your desired changes, click on the green Save button to save your changes.
Sending a Notification
When you're ready to send a notification, click on the blue Play button to the far right of the notification's row in the Notification List.
Send Email Notification confirmation module
You'll now see a confirmation pop-up where you can click the Send button. The notification will instantly be sent to all participants on your VIP Guest List.
Receiving Notifications
SMS Texts
SMS Text notifications will be sent as a text message to each user's mobile phone. If the phone number cannot receive text messages, the notification will be skipped for that participant. The text messages are sent individually and not as a group text.
Email notifications will be sent as an email with the Subject and Body as defined when the notification was created. The email's From Address will be the Crowdpurr user's account email. All recipients of the email of the notification are blind carbon copied (bcc:) so no email addresses are shared with other participants.
Testing Notifications
If you want to test your notifications, simply add your own email or phone number to the VIP Guest List. Feel free to add any other colleagues or employees you'd like to test on (with their permission of course). You can then temporarily test your VIP Guest List Notifications. After testing, you can remove your test participants and import or add them to your actual VIP Guest List.
Reviewing & Re-Sending Notifications
After a notification has been sent, the Sent At field updates with the time it was sent. You can resend a VIP Guest List Notification by clicking on the green Play button again.
Notification List indicating when the SMS Text notification has been sent. |
Removing a Notification
To remove a VIP Guest List Notification, click the red Trashcan button under the Remove? column for the notification you wish to remove. Notifications will also be removed when removing the Experience.
Resetting Notifications
VIP Guest List Notifications will be reset when you reset your Experience. Resetting a notification removes and resets its Sent At timestamp.
Cloning Notifications
When cloning an Experience, its VIP Guest List Notifications will also be cloned and reset.
Notification Counts
Each Premium Plan allows you to send out a number of both Email and SMS Text notifications per month, as displayed in the table below.
Plan | SMS Text | |
Classroom Plan | 300 | 200 |
Seminar Plan | 1,500 | 1,000 |
Conference Plan | 3,000 | 2,000 |
Convention Plan | 15,000 |
10,000 |
You can view how many Email and SMS Text notifications your Crowdpurr account has already used up by viewing the Monthly row, as pictured below. The monthly Notification Counts also reset each month.
Current Notification Counts for each Premium Plan level
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