Use the Next Round feature to easily send your participants from one Experience to another, such as multiple rounds of trivia without requiring them to enter a different Experience Code for a different game or manually edit the URL in their browser to navigate to an external website.
Triggering the Next Round will move both current participants and future participants as they join or return to the original Experience. You can also set up Next Round to only send the top-ranking players and teams to the next Experience with Tournament Mode.
By using this feature, you can create different types of multi-dimensional Experiences such as:
- Trivia Games with multiple and bonus rounds
- Multi-day trivia events
- Sending your participants to an exit Poll after completing a Trivia Game Experience
- Sending participants to you, your client, or your sponsor's homepage after completing the Experience
Experience Dashboard with no Next Round set
A Multi-Round Trivia Game Example
For example, this feature lets you create several different Trivia or Bingo rounds by creating separate Experiences for each round and selecting the next Experience from the Next Round dropdown. Upon reaching the end of one Trivia Round Experience and showing the final score for the round (Show Rankings (R)) and the overall score (Show Multi-Game Trivia Rankings (M)), you can then send players to the next round without them having to enter in a new Experience Code or URL. The next Trivia Game Experience would be ready in the "initial" state. Once you go to the Next Round, you can then Start the Next Trivia Round Experience.
How Next Round Works
You should set the Next Round while setting up your Experience and before your actual event. Once you've set a destination, the Go to Next Round button will light up. When you click Go to Next Round, Crowdpurr tells your participants to "jump" to the selected Experience or URL. If you have participants who arrive late after you've already moved on to the Next Round, or if any of your participants navigated away from Crowdpurr on their mobile device when you sent them to the Next Round, they will automatically join everyone else upon returning or joining your original Experience.
You can send participants to the Next Round at any time regardless if an Experience is LIVE or not. Upon sending them to the Next Round, your participants will join the Next Round in whatever state the destination Experience is in - just as if they had manually visited the Next Round.
Setting the Next Round
Setting the Next Round is as simple as clicking the green Edit button, and selecting your Experience from the Select Experience dropdown.
To set the Next Round:
Selecting a Crowdpurr Experience as the Next Round |
Inserting an External URL as the Next Round |
You can repeat this process for each round of trivia you've created including bonus rounds, etc.
Tournament Mode - Sending Top Ranking Players to the Next Round
When using Next Round in a Trivia Game, you also have the option of advancing only top-ranking players to the next trivia game. Click the green Edit button next to "All Players will advance" to open the Tournament Mode settings.
Uncheck the All Players Advance option to enable the other settings. You can then set how many winning players or teams you would like to move on when you trigger your Next Round.
You can select which rankings type to use to determine the players from the rankings dropdown menu. In this example, we are not using the Multi-Game Rankings, and the Trivia Game is set to Individual Mode under Team Modes, so those relevant options are disabled. In a Survivor Trivia Game, you can select whether you want Survivors or Eliminated players to move on to the Next Round.
Once your Tournament Mode settings are configured properly, click Save.
Once the Next Round is triggered, any players who qualify will move on, while players who don't qualify will be notified.
An unqualified player receives a message on the Participant View |
Activating the Next Round
Once your Next Round is set, you can click the Go to Next Round button at any time. This will bring up a pop-up notification to verify that you're ready to move on to the Next Round.
Once you click the purple Go To Next Round button on the popup, all of your participants will instantly load the Experience you have set. Your Experience Dashboard and Presentation View (if open) will also instantly update and load the selected Experience. You can then press the Start button on the newly loaded Experience and your players will start playing the next Experience (the next Trivia Round for example).
If you set an external URL for your Next Round, your Experience Dashboard and Presentation View will not change when it is triggered.
Resetting a Triggered Next Round
After triggering the Next Round, you'll be brought to the Experience Dashboard of the selected destination Experience. Any participants that try to join your original Experience will instead go to the selected destination Experience. This is typically the desired behavior as there is no reason for participants to access the previous Experience (e.g. if you're bringing trivia players to "Round 2" of your overall Trivia Game, you wouldn't want players to be able to access "Round 1" if you're playing a live game where everyone should be in sync).
The Status Bar will also tell you which Experience players have been moved to.
However, if you want to reset the Next Round after triggering it, such as if you were practicing switching Experiences, testing your workflow, and/or you made a mistake, do the following:
- Go to the Experience Dashboard for the original Experience you sent to the Next Round.
- Click on the blue Remove Triggered Next Round button to reset the Next Round.
- Additionally, when resetting or restarting an Experience, if it has a triggered Next Round, it will be reset automatically.
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