Crowdpurr's upgraded plans allow you to do multiple events over the course of your subscription. In addition to multiple events, you may need to use multiple hosts from your team to conduct events at different times and locations.
The Problem
Previously, you needed to share your single Crowdpurr login with everyone on your team that wanted to create and run different events. This shared login work-around caused several problems:
- It allowed everyone on the team access to all of your organization's experiences and data.
- It made your Crowdpurr account less secure by sharing the same email and password login with everyone on your team.
- It allowed everyone on your team the potential to make unwanted edits to content or unintentionally remove important experiences and data.
- It caused organization-wide accidental account lock-outs when someone using the shared login had too many failed login attempts.
The Solution
Crowdpurr for Teams is Crowdpurr's multi-user organization solution that allows you to share your upgraded plan with members of your team using their own Crowdpurr account and login. Simply invite members using their email address and Crowdpurr will send them an email invite to join your team.
Once a new member joins your Crowdpurr team, you can set which experiences they can access and what privileges they have on those experiences. The following are examples of how you and your team may benefit from using Crowdpurr for Teams:
- A team of educators who are running different trivia games and polls for their classrooms or lectures.
- An event company that has multiple hosts on staff who run different events in different locations.
- A corporate team who has different branches or offices running events in multiple locations across the region, country, or globe.
Invite Members To Join Your Team
To invite members to your team, go the My Team page from the left-side vertical navigation column. Simply enter the email of the member you want to add to your team and click Invite.
The My Team page where upgraded users can create a new team.
Your Team Members Receive An Invite
Each invited team member will receive an email invite from Crowdpurr. From the email, they simply click on the Confirm Team Invitation button.
Invited team members receive an email invite to Confirm Team Invitation.
This directs the new member to their own My Team page in Crowdpurr where they can click to join your team. They can also simply navigate to their My Team page after being invited without clicking on the invite email.
New members confirm their invite on their My Team page.
Managing Your Team
After inviting your first team member and creating a team, the My Team page will update to show a list of active and pending team members. Team owners will use this page to manage their team and members.
The My Team page allows team owners to manage their team and shared experiences.
Removing Team Members
Team members may be removed at any time, and new ones added, by clicking on the red button under the Remove? column in the team member's row. When team members are removed, they will lose all access to any experiences and privileges that you've set for them.
Removing Your Entire Team
The team owner may remove individual team members or their entire team at any time.
Team owners can also remove their entire team by clicking on the My Team → Settings tab and clicking Remove Team. This will remove all members of your team and remove access to all shared experiences and privileges.
Sharing Experiences with Your Team Members
Once a member confirms to join a team owner's team, the team owner will be notified and can begin sharing experiences and privileges to the team member. Click on an Active Member to edit which experiences you will share with them.
To share an experience with a team member, the team owner must choose a privilege that the team member will have on the experience. Simply find the experience row that you wish to share with the team member and click on the privilege column's checkbox that you want the team member to have.
Team owners set which experiences to share with which team members and what privileges they have.
Privileges Explained
Crowdpurr for Teams allows team owners to set the following hierarchical privileges for team members on the team owner's experiences. Each privilege inherits the previous privilege's access features.
The RUN privilege allows team members to run the experience (e.g. trivia game, bingo game, poll, etc.) for its participants. It allows every function needed to run (or host) the experience but does not allow the team member to edit the experience's questions, answers, results, VIP Guest List, Lotteries, Lead Capture, and additional settings. This privilege is useful for team members who simply need to run an experience created by the team owner for its participants.
NOTE: There are certain privileges that must be given to users with the RUN privilege in order to successfully run an experience. These include:
- Starting, pausing, stopping, and restarting experiences
- Updating the Active Question
- Enabling the various Viewer Controls (e.g. Show Live Answer Results, Show Rankings Leaderboard)
- Reviewing, editing, approving, rejecting incoming text-answer participant responses
- Starting and stopping On-Demand Videos and Live Streams
- Editing Advanced Teams
- Sending VIP Guest List Notifications
- Exporting Rankings, Crowd Activity, Lead Capture, and VIP Guest Lists
- Editing and Removing Participants
The EDIT privilege allows team members everything that the RUN privilege allows and also allows full access to edit an experience's questions, answers, settings, VIP Guest List, Lotteries, Lead Capture, and all other settings. This privilege is the same as having full access over the experience as if it belonged to the team member. This privilege is useful for team members that need to be able to edit and work on an experience created by the team owner and make changes to it. This privilege also grants the team member the ability to reset and remove participants from the experience.
The DELETE privilege allows team members everything that the RUN and EDIT privileges allow and also allows access to remove the experience. This privilege is useful if you want team members to be able to remove a given experience.
The CREATE privilege is a special privilege that allows team members the ability to create new experiences under the team owner's account. Upon creating a new experience, the team member who created it automatically gets DELETE access to it.
The CREATE privilege allows team members to create new experiences.
Global Privileges Versus Per-Experience Privileges
When granting a permission using the method above, the permission is only granted on a single experience or "per-experience". This is useful if the team owner only wants the team member to have access to certain experiences from their overall list of experiences.
However, if the team owner wishes to share all of their experiences with the team member, the team owner can set a Global Permission. At the top of each active team member's list of shared experiences is the Global Permissions set.
The set of global permissions for each team member.
Global permissions allow the team owner to grant RUN, EDIT, or DELETE in one click to the team owner's entire set of experiences. This is useful if the owner wants certain team members to access all of their experiences including ones created in the future! Clicking a global permission checkbox enables that permission for every experience as can be seen by the highlighted permission boxes.
A team owner grants a team member global EDIT to all of their experiences.
Accessing Shared Team Experiences
Once a team member joins a team, they can access the experiences shared with them by their team owner on the My Experiences → Team Experiences tab. This tab lists all the shared experiences that are shared with them by their team owner.
A team member's Team Experiences tab displays the shared experiences they can access.
Team members with the global CREATE permission can clone experiences on their Team Experiences tab. Team members with the DELETE permission can also remove experiences on the Team Experiences tab.
Team Member's My Team Page
Additionally, the team member's My Team page displays who their team owner is, which experiences have been shared with them, and what permissions they've been granted on each experience.
A team member's My Team page displays their team owner and their shared Experiences.
Leaving a Team
If a team member wishes to leave their current team, they can go to the My Team → Settings tab and click Cancel Membership to leave the team. The team member will immediately lose all access and privileges to shared experiences and the team owner will have a new available team slot they can use to invite another team member.
A team member may leave a team at any time by canceling their membership.
Viewing Team Status Under "My Account" Page
On the My Account page, a Team Member’s Team Plan is displayed above their personal plan to indicate that they have access to the Team Owner’s plan on any shared Experiences from their Team Owner.
Team Plan listed under the Team Member's Plan & Billing tab
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