If you're a Classroom Plan subscriber or higher, you can upload images to the Multiple Choice answer options. The uploaded images will display under the Active Question's text on every participant's Participant View and also on the Presentation View.
By uploading your answer images in a Trivia Game, you can ask your players questions like, "Who was Employee of the Month in May?" or "Which sibling is this at three years old?" In a Poll, you could use images to supplement the different answer options that participants can vote on. For example, you can show an image of every contestant or item in a contest.
Uploading Your Own Answer Images
To upload an Answer Image, go to the Experience Dashboard, the blue Questions tab, and select the question tab of the question you want to add answer images.
Finally, locate the camera icon underneath the Edit button to the right of each answer option.
Choosing and Cropping an Uploaded Image
Once you click on the camera icon, select the Upload tab located at the top of the blue module. By default, clicking the Upload tab will automatically prompt you to select an image file from your computer. Alternatively, you can manually click the purple Choose Image tab to select an image from your computer.
Uploaded images should ideally be a square 500x500 JPEG, PNG, or GIF less than 5MB. GIFs may be animated to upload short videos like scenes from movies, funny memes, etc.
After uploading, you may choose to crop the image. These images will be shown in a 1:1 square aspect ratio. So the more square your image is and/or the more square you crop it, the more it will display accurately on the Presentation View and Participant View. Click on the green Save Image button to save and upload your answer image after optionally cropping it.
Once you've selected your desired stock images, they will automatically be added to the specified answer options on the Questions tab. Added GIFs will display to the left of the answer choices on the Presentation View and under the question's text on the Participant View.
Uploaded Answer Images on the Questions tab
Removing an Answer's Label
If you do not wish to display any text for your Answer Image options such as for a true "no-hint" question, you can remove the labels for your answer options by clearing out any text from the answer option's text field. First, click on the answer option's text field directly or click the blue Edit(pencil) button to bring down the answer option's Edit Panel. Next, highlight all of the answer text.
Next, delete the text content by pressing the Backspace or Delete key on your keyboard to remove the text. Finally, click the green Save button or press the Enter key to save your changes. Once you've cleared out the text field, three dashes (---) will appear to indicate that the answer option has no text label.
The answer option will display three dashes (---) to indicate no text content.
Viewing Your Answer Images on the Presentation View
Once you've successfully uploaded your image, it will be displayed on the Presentation View whenever that particular question is displayed. Uploaded images are displayed next to the various answer options for your entire crowd to see.
Presentation View - |
Presentation View - |
Viewing Your Uploaded Answer Images on the Participant View
Your uploaded answer images will also be shown during its Active Question on every participant's mobile device on the Participant View of your Poll or Trivia Game. In case you're not using the Presentation View, your participants will still see the uploaded answer images on their devices located underneath the question's text.
Participant View - |
Participant View - |
Removing a Question Image
If you wish to adjust or change your uploaded image or no longer use a question image, you can remove it on the Questions tab by clicking on the red Remove button with a trash icon next to the uploaded image in the Question Media area.
Remove Answer Image button
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