You can now set up and run Lotteries during any of your Crowdpurr Experiences. Crowdpurr Lotteries allow you to randomly select from all the participants that have joined your Experience (e.g. Trivia Game, Poll, or Social Wall). Your participants get to watch the Lottery wheel unfold on their Participant Views and get notified if they've won!
You can set up multiple Lotteries in advance, configure how many participants will get selected, run each Lottery when you're ready, and keep track of who was selected in each Lottery. The Lotteries feature is FREE and available on all plans!
Lottery Use Cases
Crowdpurr Lotteries can be used for a variety of purposes such as:
- Award prizes randomly to one or more participants such as "door prizes" or "entry prizes"
- Randomly select participants for some purpose during your events such as to answer a question, ask a question, or general volunteering
- Award a final "survivor" grand prize randomly to only one of your participants for lasting until the end of your event
Creating a New Lottery
To create a new Lottery, click on the teal Lotteries tab on the Experience Dashboard of your Experience.
Lotteries tab on the Experience Dashboard
Enter a New NameUnder the Create New Lottery section, enter the name of your new Lottery. |
Enter a Reward or Result
Below the Name of Lottery input, enter a description of the Reward or Result of the Lottery.
Exclude Past-Selected Participants
Enable this setting to prevent previously selected winners (or selected participants) from being selected in the new Lottery. Enabling this will prevent all previously selected winners from all Lotteries from being selected for this new Lottery. If you only wish to have participants win a Lottery once during an Experience, then enable this setting.
Disable this setting in order to allow participants to win or be selected more than once!
Participant Count
The Participant Count determines how many participants will be selected for the new Lottery. You can set the count to 1 in order to only select or reward a single participant. Alternatively, you can increase it up to your Experience's Participant Limit so all your participants get selected.
Next, click on the green Add New Lottery button to add the new Lottery to your Lottery List. This does not run the Lottery yet.
Lottery List
Once you've added one or more Lotteries, you can run them at any time. Your added Lotteries are listed under the Lottery List section.
The Lottery List displays various information about the Lottery. The Activated field indicates whether the Lottery has been run yet.
Running A Lottery
To run a Lottery, click on the green Play button at the far right of each Lottery row. This will display a confirm pop-up. Click on Run Lottery to run the Lottery.
This will instantly activate and run the Lottery for all participants connected with an open Participant View.
Participant View of Lottery
When you activate and run a Lottery, participants will immediately see a pop-up that announces that a Lottery is running. After a few seconds, it will reveal if they won or not, displaying what the Reward/Result of the Lottery is.
Participant View of a selected participant |
Participant View of a non-selected participant |
Viewing Lottery Winners & Past Lotteries
After running a Lottery, its Activated field updates to the time the Lottery was run. You can now click on the Lottery to drill down and view the list of Selected Participants.
The list displays the following lead capture data of each participant:
- First and Last Name
- Phone Number
All past Lotteries are saved in this list until they are removed. You can view the Selected Participants of any Lottery at any time.
Resetting a Lottery
All Lotteries are reset when you reset your Experience. When a Lottery is reset, its Activated field and Selected Participants are removed and reset so the Lottery can be run again.
Removing a Lottery
If you wish to remove a Lottery, simply click the red Trashcan button on the far right of each Lottery entry. All Lotteries will also get removed when removing an Experience.
Cloning a Lottery
You can also clone a Lottery entry if you'd like to run the same Lottery again. This will clone the initial Lottery's Reward/Result message, along with the number of Participants to Select, and is ideal if you would like to run the same exact Lottery again using the same parameters.
Cloning a Lottery
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