For users on the Seminar Plan and above, you can create your own Custom Lead Capture Fields in addition to the commonly used Fields For All Users set of lead capture fields. Don't see the exact data field you need to ask your participants? No problem, you can add it yourself!
What Kinds of Custom Fields Can Be Created?
Custom Lead Capture Fields can be enabled to create different kinds of lead capture fields. From simple text and numerical inputs to configurable drop-down selection inputs, to custom opt-in checkboxes. All custom fields can be customized with Labels, Placeholders, and can also be set to be Required or Optional!
With this feature, you can ask custom lead capture questions like:
- Enter your college or university.
- What's the name of your employer?
- Select your favorite streaming TV service from the following list.
- How many years have you lived in the state of California?
- Choose your current cable provider from the following dropdown.
- Check the box to confirm we can add you to our email list and contact you in the future.
The options are endless!
Where to Access Custom Lead Capture Fields
The Custom Lead Capture Fields are available for any Seminar Plan user and above. These custom fields are located within the purple Leads tab on the Experience Dashboard and under the Lead Capture Settings section on the right-side column at the bottom.
The Add Custom Fields section under the Leads tab
Enabling a Custom Lead Capture Field
To enable a custom lead capture field, simply click on the On/Off switch next to the custom field. You can add and enable up to 4 custom lead capture fields along with all of the available common Fields For All Plans lead capture fields.
Upon enabling a custom lead capture field, it will default to the name Favorite Soda (as an example) with a field type of text. You may need to refresh any open Participant Views in order to see any newly enabled custom lead capture field.
Editing a Custom Lead Capture Field
To edit a custom field's settings, click on the green Edit button with a pencil icon to the right of the field. Upon clicking the button, an edit dialog will slide down.
Default example information after enabling a Custom Field
The following settings can be edited for the Custom Lead Capture Field:
- Name
- Input Type
- Label
- Placeholder
The Name field is the name you want to give the custom field. The Name will only be used on this page to identify the custom field and also in your Lead Capture Export file as the heading of this column of data. The Name field is not shown to your participants on the Participant View sign-in page.
The Input Type is the type of custom lead field. This setting defines both the type and style of the custom lead field you want to add (see the below examples).
The available options are:
- Text
- Number
- Dropdown Selection
- Checkbox or Opt-In
The Label field is an optional label that can be shown above your custom lead field on the Participant View sign-in page that can give additional context and instruction to your custom lead field. For example, "Enter your favorite streaming service below."
The Placeholder field is an optional example value that can be shown in your custom lead field. For example, E.g. Netflix. For Checkbox or Opt-In fields, the placeholder is the message shown next to the check box (see below examples).
Participant View sign-in page with a Placeholder
After updating your settings, simply click the blue Save button.
Editing Dropdown Custom Lead Fields
If you select Dropdown Selection for the custom lead field's Input Type, additional settings will slide down allowing you to add the dropdown selections for your custom field that your participants will choose from.
To add additional options for the Dropdown Selection, simply click the purple Add Another button. To remove options, click the red Remove (trashcan) button. You cannot have a blank option for a Dropdown Selection custom input field.
Example of a Dropdown Selection custom field with (4) Dropdown Options
Example Custom Lead Capture Fields
The following are examples of each type of custom lead capture field displayed on the Participant View sign-in page. Each example below has also been combined with some of the Fields For All Plans lead capture fields.
Text custom field with a What college or university do you attend? label with a E.g. Ohio State University placeholder |
Number custom field with a How many members are in your household? label with a E.g. 4 placeholder. Also with a type Checkbox or Opt-in custom lead field |
Dropdown Selection custom field with a Select your favorite streaming TV service label with a Select One placeholder with Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and Sling TV added as options. | Checkbox or Opt-In custom field without a label with an I agree to be added to the email list and be contacted about future marketing efforts placeholder |
With the various types, labels, and options, any type of lead capture sign-in page can be created for your Experience.
Requiring a Custom Lead Capture Field
Just like the common Fields For All Plans lead capture fields, custom lead capture fields can be set as either Optional or Required. If Required, the field must be completed or the participant will not be allowed to pass the sign-in page and join the Experience. If the field is not required, then completing the field by the participant is optional.
Simply check or uncheck the Required checkbox next to each custom field to set it to be required.
The Checkbox or Opt-In field above is Required. The custom lead field must be checked to join the Experience. |
For More Information
Check out these Help Center articles for more related information:
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