Text Answer questions allow you to enter multiple correct answers so you can add different variations on the correct answer in case your participants enter a misspelled response, a variation/rephrasing of the correct answer, etc.
For example, if your trivia question asks, "Where does the President of the United States of America live?" The answer could technically be many phrases such as:
- The White House
- White House
- 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
- 1600 Penn Ave
- Etc.
Crowdpurr allows you to enter up to 10 Correct Answer variations to try and capture as many correct responses as possible from your participants.
Set the Correct Answer(s) to a Text or Numerical Question
To set the correct answer for a question, click on the answer you want to edit under Correct Answer(s). You can click the answer itself, or the green Edit (pencil) button to put the answer into Edit mode. The Correct Answer input will now allow you to type in a correct answer. Next, type in the correct answer, then click the green Save (checkmark) button to save the answer. As answers are received from your crowd, Crowdpurr will mark them with the Correct badge if they match any answer in the Correct Answer(s) area.
Blank Text Answer question
Editing one of the Correct Answers for the Text Answer question
Add Additional Correct Answers
Since Text Answer and Numerical Answer questions allow you to have multiple correct answers, this can help with the aforementioned responses that don't exactly match a single correct answer value by adding in multiple variations of the correct answer to match more common responses.
Simply click the Add Another button, type in your additional answer, and click the green Save (checkmark) button or press the Enter key to instantly save the answer.
What's Next?
Check out the following articles to learn more about handling incoming Text Answer responses:
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