You can add Stock Images to your answer options from the extensive stock image library powered by Pixabay. Stock images will display under the question text on every participant's Participant View and also on the Presentation View.
By using stock image-based questions in a Trivia Game, you can ask your players questions like, "Which of these albums was released in 2021?" or "Which of the following is the Eiffel Tower?" In a Poll, you could use images that are relevant to the different answer options that participants can vote on.
Adding a Stock Image to a Question
To choose a stock image, navigate to the Experience Dashboard, then select the question tab for the question you would like to add stock images on from the Questions tab. (i.e. Question 1, Question 2, etc.)
Then, locate the camera icon located right underneath the Edit (pencil) button to the right of each answer option.
Questions tab on the Experience Dashboard
Choosing the Stock Image
Once you click on the camera icon, select the Stock Image tab located at the top of the blue module. You can choose one of the popular stock images or search for a specific image. For this example, we are searching for a "London" stock image to add as an answer option for our trivia question.
Searching for "London" using the search bar
Cropping a Stock Image
After selecting your desired stock image, you'll have the option to crop it. Click on the green Save Image button to save and upload your chosen stock image after optionally cropping it.
Once you've selected your desired stock images, they will automatically be added to the specified answer options on the Questions tab. Added stock images will display to the left of the answer choices on the Presentation View and under the question's text on the Participant View.
Removing an Answer's Text Label
If you do not wish to display any text for your Answer Image options such as for a true "no-hint" question, you can remove the labels for your answer options by clearing out any text from the answer option's text field. First, click on the answer option's text field directly or click the blue Edit (pencil) button to bring down the answer option's Edit Panel. Next, highlight all of the answer text.
Next, delete the text content by pressing the Backspace or Delete key on your keyboard to remove the text. Finally, click the green Save button or press the Enter key to save your changes. Once you've cleared out the text field, three dashes (---) will appear to indicate that the answer option has no text label.
The answer option will display three dashes (---) to indicate no text content.
Viewing Your Stock Image Answers on the Presentation View
Once you've successfully added the stock images to your question, they will be displayed on the Presentation View whenever that particular question is displayed. Stock images are displayed under the Active Question's text for your entire crowd to see.
There are also specific design touches to beautifully and uniquely present the answer images even when Show Live Answer Results (A) and Show Correct Answer (C) are enabled.
Answer images displayed during the Question Timer |
Answer images with Show Live Answer Results (A) |
Viewing Your Stock Image Answers on the Participant View
Your stock image will also be shown during its attached question on every participant's mobile device on the Participant View of your Poll or Trivia Game. If you're not using the Presentation View, your participants will still see the stock image answers on their devices via the Participant View.
Participant Views displaying answer text (left) and no answer text (right)
Removing a Stock Image from an Answer
If you wish to adjust or change a stock image or no longer want to have a stock image for an answer option, simply remove it on the Experience Dashboard by clicking on the red Delete button with the trash icon next to the stock image within the answer option.
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