This article is a step-by-step tutorial on how to get started with Crowdpurr's Webex Embedded App. It discusses how to launch the embedded app, how to create a Crowdpurr account, and ultimately how to quickly create and run your first trivia game within Webex!
Start a Webex Meeting
To use Crowdpurr's Webex Embedded App, you'll need a Webex account. If you don't have one, you can create one by going to and clicking Start For Free.
Once you've successfully opened Webex and signed in, you'll just need to create a new meeting. Then click the green Start Meeting button.
Open the Application Hub
Click on the Apps button in the lower-right-hand corner of Webex. A list of apps appears. If you don't see the Apps button, you may need to request that your administrator add it for your organization.
Launch the Crowdpurr App
Click on Crowdpurr from the list of apps, which will launch the Crowdpurr Embedded App. If you don't see Crowdpurr in the list of apps, you may need to request that your administrator add it for your organization.
Signing Into Crowdpurr
If you're already a Crowdpurr user and have previously signed in using a web browser on your computer, the Crowdpurr Embedded App will bypass the login screen and take you directly to your Experiences List.
If you don't have a Crowdpurr account, click the green Get Started button and fill out the form to easily create a free Crowdpurr account. Or if you have a Crowdpurr account and are signed out, simply sign in again directly in Webex.
Creating a Trivia Game
Upon creating a new account, Crowdpurr will show the various interactive experiences that can be created. Create a new trivia game by clicking on the blue Create button under the Countdown Trivia experience.
Choose a Library Game
After clicking Create, the Crowdpurr trivia library opens allowing you to choose a library trivia game. The library includes many fun trivia game topics like movies, sports, music, current events, and regularly features trending and seasonal trivia games (e.g. Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc.)
Choose a category, scroll through the selections, and click on the green "plus" button of the trivia game you want to use. Scroll down and click Next.
Choose Playback Mode
On the Playback Mode tab leave the Playback Mode set to Host Controlled Mode and click Next. For more information on Playback Modes for your trivia game, see Experience Playback Modes Explained.
Name & Description
Lastly, optionally update the name and description of your trivia game and click the flashing pink Rock N' Roll button to create your trivia game.
The Experience Dashboard
The trivia game's Experience Dashboard is now shown. This is where you edit your trivia game's settings, edit questions, and control your trivia game during your actual event.
You can update questions, remove questions, add new questions, update answers, change question types, etc. This tutorial only covers the basics of running a trivia game. For full details on all the various settings and options please see Experience Dashboard Explained.
Sharing Your Trivia Game With Participants
You're now ready to have participants join your Webex meeting and play your trivia game! At this time, you can have a colleague(s) or friend(s) join your Webex meeting from their own computers. Or you can sign in yourself from another computer to simulate a participant. The free Basic Plan allows up to twenty participants to join.
Click Open Together
Once participants have joined your Webex meeting, you can now click the Open Together button that has now appeared at the bottom of the Crowdpurr Embedded App.
This will launch the Participant View of the trivia game in each participant's Webex meeting.
Participant Sign-In
Each participant will need to sign in to your trivia game with at least a nickname. You can configure your trivia game to require additional lead capture fields if desired. See Collect Lead Capture Data From Your Participants to learn more.
After signing in, your participants will see a Game Will Begin Shortly message. You can check how many participants have successfully signed into your trivia game by checking the Participant Count in the Quick Stats area of the Experience Dashboard.
Starting the Trivia Game
Click on the large blue "clock" button in the Playback Controls section of the Experience Dashboard to kick off your trivia game with a 10-second countdown timer.
After the ten-second timer completes, the trivia game will automatically start Question 1 for all participants.
Playing Each Question
Participants will have fifteen seconds to answer the trivia question in the Crowdpurr Embedded App inside Webex. The faster a player answers correctly, the more points they earn for each question. If they don't answer in time, the question will be considered incorrect.
After each question, you can trigger the following optional views. Each of these views can also be triggered by the keyboard shortcut following the name of the command.
Show Live Answer Results
Press the pink Show Live Answer Results (A) button (or press A on the keyboard) to show each participant how every other player answered. This will show both answer counts and percentages for how your participants answered the question.
Show Correct Answer
Press the green Show Correct Answer (C) button (or press C on the keyboard) to show each participant the correct answer and award points for the question. The correct answer will highlight in green and incorrect answers will highlight in red.
Show Rankings Leaderboard
Press the yellow Show Rankings Leaderboard (R) button (or press R on the keyboard) to the current live rankings leaderboard. Scores are automatically calculated by Crowdpurr for you. This view shows a current ranking of all players by points.
Each of these views is optional. You don't have to show every view after each question. If you later turn on Team-Mode Trivia or Multi-Round Trivia, there are additional views that you can enable.
Playing the Next Question
To reset all views and start the next trivia question, simply click the blue right-arrow button under the Active Question area. Or simply use the left and right arrow keyboard shortcuts. Upon switching to a new question, all views (e.g. Show Live Answer Results, Show Correct Answer, etc.) will be cleared and the question's timer will start counting down automatically.
Completing the Trivia Game
Continue through each question until you've reached the final question. After the final question, when you enable Show Rankings Leaderboard (R), the winner of the game will be shown to all participants above the rankings.
You can now click the red Stop button under Playback Controls to finish the trivia game. This will indicate to all the participants that the trivia game is complete.
Ending the Trivia Game Session
To close the trivia game in each participant's Webex meeting, click the Stop Session button at the bottom of the Crowdpurr Embedded App. This will close down the app on all participant Webex sessions.
Hosting Tips
Collapse the Experience Dashboard
Crowdpurr's Experience Dashboard controls can consume much of the space that Webex provides, making it difficult to read the questions as you play them.
To make it easier to see your trivia game's questions and results while your participants play, click the Collapse Dashboard button in the upper-left corner. This will remove most of the Experience Dashboard and allow you to read the questions, see the question timer, see incoming answer results, and will show the yellow Rankings tab automatically when you trigger the rankings, so you can read the rankings. It will also return to the appropriate Question tab when triggering the next trivia question. Give it a try!
Use Keyboard Shortcuts
Crowdpurr makes extensive use of keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to control and run your trivia game. They become especially handy when using the above Collapse Dashboard button, as the buttons are no longer accessible. Take time to learn and practice the keyboard shortcuts for starting your trivia game, pausing it, triggering various views, triggering the next question, etc. Go to Crowdpurr Keyboard Shortcuts Reference to learn more.
Practice Makes Perfect
Crowdpurr has several moving parts so we recommend lots of practice! Practicing several trivia games on friends, becoming adept at using the Experience Dashboard, and having a good understanding of the app before doing an actual production event is recommended.
Learning More
We covered the basics of using Crowdpurr trivia in Webex in this tutorial. If you want a more detailed walkthrough of Crowdpurr trivia please see Getting Started with Crowdpurr Trivia for a detailed step-by-step walkthrough that also discusses several advanced issues.
Additionally, Crowdpurr Trivia Games Explained features many advanced topics.
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