Now that we've called and marked off our first bingo square, let's learn about the different ways you can call squares throughout your Bingo Game.
By default, Crowdpurr assumes that you want to fully and manually control how often you call each square and what views are shown to your crowd and when. This is called Host Controlled Mode, which gives you full control over how your Bingo Game runs. There is another Experience Playback Mode such as the Fully Automatic which serves different purposes. This tutorial assumes you are using the Host Controlled Mode, which provides the most flexibility.
Calling the Next Square
Whenever you call a square, the entire Bingo Game will instantly update across every mobile device's Participant View and the Presentation View in real-time... Pretty cool, right? Your Bingo Game always syncs to the currently called square.
There are several ways to call a square.
Use the Call Square Button
To call a random bingo square, simply click on the blue Call Square (B) button under the Viewer Controls section at the top of the Experience Dashboard.
Call Square (B) viewer control on the Experience Dashboard
You can also use its corresponding keyboard shortcut by pressing "B" on your keyboard on either the Experience Dashboard or Presenter View screen.
Call a Specific Square
While the previous method allows you to call a random bingo square during the game, you can also call a specific square of your choosing.
First, navigate to the Bingo Setup tab on the Experience Dashboard.If you hover over any of the squares, you'll notice several icons you can click on. To call that specific square, simply click on the blue Call Square (B) icon with a megaphone icon. This will call the specific square rather than a random one.
After clicking the Call Square (B) icon, the box will turn green to indicate it has already been called. All connected Participant Views and Presentation Views will display the newly called square.
Call All Squares
You can also use the Call All Squares (X) viewer control by clicking the green Call All Squares (X) toggle under the Viewer Controls box. Alternatively, you can use its corresponding keyboard shortcut by pressing the "X" key. Doing so will immediately call all of the squares in the Bingo Game and will then allow players to mark off any square on their Bingo Card. |
Next Steps
You now know how to set up, run, and test your game! We'll learn how to reset our game and clear out our test "dry run" crowd responses and prepare for your actual live event. Go to the next step Finishing & Resetting Your Bingo Game.
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