After calling several squares, you'll likely want to display the Rankings Leaderboard for your players to check out who's in the lead. If you've attached any Game Notes to your Bingo Game, you may also want to display the note to your audience at any point in the game.
Crowdpurr Views Explained
Crowdpurr refers to various participant response data displays available as Views. For example, Show Rankings Leaderboard (R), or Show Game Notes (N). Each View is followed by a letter to indicate its keyboard shortcut to quickly enable that view. Views can be turned off and on by clicking the corresponding View button under the Viewer Controls box or by pressing its keyboard shortcut. Each View is essentially a toggle switch that toggles that View off and on. Usually, as the host, you'll typically show these Views after calling a square to update your crowd with the current Rankings Leaderboard of the game.
Turning On Views
There are several ways to toggle the Views on and off within Crowdpurr depending on where you're working within the platform. All View buttons are synced and can be enabled or disabled from any of the following locations.
The Viewer Controls Buttons
On the Experience Dashboard, click any of the buttons listed under the Viewer Controls heading. This will toggle that view on and off affecting both the Presentation View and all Participant Views. The idea here is that you can enable various views from the Experience Dashboard without having to mouse into the Presentation View. To turn off a view, simply press the button again.
Example of enabling various Views under Viewer Controls for a Bingo Game
The Presentation View Configuration Menu
The same views can also be toggled from the Presentation View window. First, open the View Settings of the Presentation View by clicking on the Settings button with a gear icon located in the lower-right-hand corner of the Presentation View. Here you'll find the same Viewer Controls on the Experience Dashboard are also available as switches.
The Presentation View Settings Panel for a Bingo Game
Keyboard Shortcuts
The easiest and quickest way to enable Views is to simply use your computer's keyboard. Simply press the letter on the keyboard to enable a given View. The View's keyboard shortcut is listed next to the description of the view on both the Experience Dashboard and the Presentation View. The keyboard shortcut can be used on both the Experience Dashboard and the Presentation View and you'll notice it updates both the buttons and toggle switches. To turn off a view, you can press the same keyboard shortcut again.
By default, the following views are available for a Bingo Game:
Show Game Notes (N)
The Show Game Notes (N) view updates the Presentation View and all Participant Views with any attached Game Note for the current Bingo Game. It will display any additional text, links, or images attached to the Game Note. However, you do not need to display a Game Note if you do not want to. You can even add private notes just for the host without ever showing a Game Note to the crowd.
If you would like to display a Game Note to your audience, you can enable this view by clicking the Show Game Notes (N) button on the Experience Dashboard (to remember it, think N for Notes).
For more information on this feature, please visit the following page - Question Notes Explained
Game Notes displays on the Bingo Game's Presentation View |
Game Notes displays on the Bingo Game's Participant View |
Show Rankings Leaderboard (R)
The Show Rankings Leaderboard (R) view is probably the most fun view of all for your crowd. It updates the Presentation View and all Participant Views with a sorted rankings list of all the players and their current scores highlighting the Top 3 players at the top in gold, silver, and bronze! Additional players will scroll horizontally below the top three. This view is also live and will update in real time so feel free to show it as long as you want. The keyboard shortcut is R (to remember it, think of R for Rankings).
Go ahead and enable this view by clicking the Show Rankings (R) button on the Experience Dashboard. This will display the live rankings, which will probably only contain you as the single player unless you're also playing with friends and colleagues for your test run.
Rankings Leaderboard displays on the Bingo's Presentation View
Next Steps
Now that we've shown your crowd the Game Notes (N) and the Live Rankings (R), we'll update our Bingo Game with more called squares for our crowd to find on their card. Go to Calling Bingo Squares.
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