Before we run your Bingo Game, let's open up the Participant View to see what your crowd will see on their mobile devices as well as play along while we test our Bingo Game. You can open up the Participant View on an actual mobile device (e.g. your mobile phone, your tablet, etc.). Alternatively, you can open up the mobile client on a web browser tab on your desktop computer, laptop, or iMac. All devices are supported.
To open the
View, do one of the following:From the Experience Dashboard
This is the easiest way to test your Bingo Game while still working in the Experience Dashboard as you edit your game. Simply click on the large blue View button in the Crowd Views area of your Experience Dashboard. This button will open a test Participant View browser window on your desktop or laptop computer and simulate how the Bingo Game will look on smaller mobile devices. Additionally, you can have it open alongside your Experience Dashboard for testing.
The Experience Dashboard and a Participant View window
During your actual event, your crowd will access your Bingo Game using the following Mobile Device instructions.
On Your Mobile Device
Open up your mobile browser (e.g. Safari, Chrome, etc.) on your mobile device (e.g. smartphone, tablet, etc.), and type in in the address bar. You will then be asked to Enter A Code. Simply enter the five-digit code for your Bingo Game displayed under the Bingo Game Code box on the Experience Dashboard.
The Bingo Game Code on the Experience Dashboard
In this example, our code is ZQCCP as shown above; however, your Experience Code will be different so please refer to your Experience Dashboard.
Signing Into Your Trivia Game from the
ViewOnce you have opened the
View, it will ask you to enter a Nickname. By default, a nickname is needed as a minimum for each player to join your Bingo Game. This is so each player can be displayed on the Live Rankings Leaderboard.When the is opened, enter a Nickname into the first field. Then click the Go! button. The View will update to say Bingo Game Will Begin Shortly. Each player's View will be holding until you start your Bingo Game.
ViewView - Sign-in Page | View - Waiting Message |
Ready To Follow Along and Play
You're ready to follow along and play your Bingo Game using the you have opened will update with the called square, allow you to mark off squares on your Bingo card, and show various Views that you set on the Experience Dashboard.
View. As you run your Bingo Game, the ViewNext Steps
We're now ready to see how the Presentation View works in the next step Launching the Bingo Game Presentation View.
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