Before creating your Bingo Game, the Experience Wizard will walk you step-by-step through some initial settings. These are basic settings that you'll need to set before creating your Bingo Game.
Bingo Games Tab
The Bingo Games tab features Crowdpurr's 100% original FREE Bingo Library that you can use to quickly build bingo games for your audience without editing any bingo squares yourself. We update the Bingo Library frequently with new bingo games on popular fan-favorite categories like Movies, TV, Music, and Pop Culture. We also offer traditional format bingo games like the classic Bingo format with letters and numbers. Feel free to browse the collection!
The Bingo Games tab on the Bingo Setup Wizard
Bingo Library Categories
On the left side of the Bingo Library are all the various bingo categories containing our pre-loaded bingo games. You'll find a huge set of diverse fun categories including our most popular bingo games under #Trending, our latest newly published games under New, and all the other fan-favorite bingo game topics. Fresh original bingo games are published in the New category so check in for recent updates. |
Select A Bingo Game
Click on the Movies category on the left-side column of categories on the Bingo Library. The list of bingo games will update with all the available pre-loaded bingo games that are related to Movies.
The available bingo games under the Movies category
Click on the blue Next button on any of the bingo games listed. This will take you to the bingo game's page where you can preview the squares and view additional information about the preloaded game. |
If you'd like to select this game for your Bingo Experience, click the green + Select Game button and hit the blue Next button to move to the next tab in the Experience Wizard.
A preview of the bingo game and additional game information after clicking the Next button
Adding Your Own Custom Squares
Additionally, you may want to create bingo squares based on your own content. To do that, simply click on the Write Your Own category. This will add blank squares to your newly created Bingo Game instead.
For the purpose of this tutorial, we'll select a bingo game from the Movies category. Later in this tutorial, we will add our own custom square in the Experience Dashboard after our bingo game is created.
You're now ready to go on to the next tab. Click on the Next button.
Playback Mode Tab
The Playback Mode tab on the Bingo Setup Wizard
The Experience Playback Mode determines how you want to actually run your Bingo game. There are currently two available options to choose from.
Playback Mode | Description |
Host Controlled Mode |
In this mode, your Bingo Game is entirely controlled manually by the host (you). The host is responsible for calling squares, triggering different Views to participants (e.g. Rankings Leaderboard), and progressing the Bingo Game along. Your crowd is all participating in sync on the same question. This mode is designed for large groups of participants interacting together where a host is narrating throughout the game or speaking to the content being shown. |
Fully Automatic Mode |
In this mode, your Bingo Game runs automatically once it is started. In this mode, bingo squares are automatically called every 8 seconds and will automatically finish when all squares have been called, or once the specified number of Bingos have been earned. This mode also optionally shows Game Notes and chosen Rankings Leaderboard upon the game's automatic completion. Your crowd is all participating in sync while viewing the same called squares. Additionally, you can also set this mode to automatically reset your Bingo Game to restart another round with zero existing responses or rankings after it automatically restarts. This mode is designed for use cases where the host may want to run a Bingo Game repeatedly over the course of an event but set it to start fresh with no previous responses or scores. |
For our tutorial, let's select Host Controlled Mode. This playback mode allows us to be in complete control and also allows us to demonstrate and learn about the different crowd Views. To learn more about Experience Playback Modes see Experience Playback Modes Explained.
You're now ready to go to the next tab. Click on the Next button.
Name It & Go Tab
The Name It & Go tab on the Bingo Setup Wizard
The final tab of the Experience Wizard simply lets you edit the Name and Description of your Bingo Game. For instance, you can add different names to your Bingo Games to keep them organized. Let's call it My First Bingo Game. By default, the default Description text is "Watch for your squares and mark a bingo first to win!" but you can leave it blank.
You're now ready to finalize and create your first Bingo Game! Click on the blinking Rock N' Roll button. After a few seconds, this will create your new Bingo Game and automatically take you to the Experience Dashboard of your new Bingo Game!
Next Steps
Now that our Bingo Game has been created, we're ready to further edit the squares we'll be asking our audience. Go to the next step Editing Bingo Squares.
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