The Interface tab under the green Settings tab contains settings that affect what is displayed on the Participant View and Presentation View, language settings, as well as the Profanity & Review Settings for posts.
Interface section on the Experience Dashboard
Participants Results Settings
These settings take effect after you finish your Social Wall. Enabling either the Personal Results Summary or Overall Results Summary will show participants the Results Summary, which shows them every post from your wall and emphasizes their posts. Both settings are disabled by default and the Results Summary is not shown for a Social Wall.
Social Wall has finished and |
Social Wall has finished and |
Personal Results Summary |
Overall Results Summary |
Enabling Both |
Enabling this setting shows participants every post on the wall, and will emphasize their own posts with a checkmark. |
Enabling this setting will show participants every post from the wall. Their own posts will be displayed first. |
Enabling both settings will combine both personal and overall results summaries. |
Only the Personal Results Summary has been enabled |
Only the Overall Results Summary has been enabled |
Both of the Results Summaries have been enabled |
Profanity and Review Settings
These settings allow you to review and filter incoming posts from your participants. Since all posts on the Social Wall require text, the Profanity & Review settings apply to every post on your Social Wall, regardless of its source.
Normally, when participants post to the Social Wall, it is immediately shown to your crowd on the Presentation View. You can turn the Profanity & Review settings on if you want to review and/or edit your crowd's posts for profanity before they are shown on the Presentation View.
Manually Review Text Responses
Enabling Manually Review Text-Responses will require the host to review each incoming post before it is posted to your Social Wall. If you reject it, it will not be shown. If you approve it, it will be shown on the Presentation View. You can also edit the post and then approve it. By default, this setting is disabled.
You can read about Reviewing & Approving Incoming Social Wall Posts in our Help Center.
Auto Review Text Responses
Another option is to simply filter any words flagged by Crowdpurr as profanity in submitted posts. Crowdpurr has an intelligent algorithm to identify profane words, phrases, and even numeral characters. Auto-Review Text-Responses will only take effect on posts with profanity in them. You can also configure what happens to incoming responses that contain profanity.
Auto Review Options
These settings allow you to configure what happens to incoming posts that have been automatically flagged as containing profanity.
Censor Flagged Posts
Enabling this setting causes any incoming posts that have profanity to automatically be censored with ***** to replace the profane text and then be posted without the host needing to review.
Presentation View displaying a censored Text Answer post
Reject Flagged Posts
Enabling this setting causes any incoming posts that have profanity to automatically be rejected. This works the same as if you rejected the post by hand, the post is deleted, and that participant will not be able to make another post on the Social Wall.
To learn more about how Profanity & Review Settings work, check out the article Reviewing & Approving Incoming Social Wall Posts.
Language Settings
This is where you can select what language the Participant View and Presentation View display in. Unfortunately, the Experience Dashboard can only be displayed in English at this time. Additionally, any Social Wall posts must be written in the language you want them to display.
To learn more about setting the Crowd Language, please visit Set Experience Crowd Language.
Select Language
This sets the language for all labels and instructions that are read by your crowd including the Presentation View and Participant View. For example, if your crowd is French-speaking, you can set the mobile client and Presentation View (the crowd-facing parts of Crowdpurr) to display all their labels and instructions in French.
We currently offer English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Polish, and Danish language versions of these views.
To learn more about how Crowd Language works, check out the article Set Experience Crowd Language.
Reset Experience
Resetting your Social Wall will remove all posts from your crowd and set your Social Wall back to the "Ready" state. This is useful if you had previously tested or did a "dry run" of your Social Wall. Resetting your Social Wall using this button is the same as using the reset button in the Playback Controls and clicking the "Clear Crowd Responses" button.
To reset your Social Wall, click on the red Reset button.
Please note, the Clear Crowd Responses button will remove all existing posts from your Social Wall. If you want to save any of them, be sure to Export Crowd Responses before you reset the Experience. For more information on that, check out Exporting Social Wall Posts & Images.
More Information on Social Walls & Settings
Check out these articles for more info on Social Walls & Settings:
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