The following article explains how to complete Step 2. Configure Your Custom URL of the Set Up A Custom URL For an Experience article using GoDaddy as your domain provider. This article will be helpful if you have purchased your domain through GoDaddy and/or if your domain is already registered and managed by GoDaddy.
Purchase Domain From GoDaddy
The first step is to purchase a new domain. Visit and purchase a new domain. If you already own a domain managed by GoDaddy, proceed to DNS Configuration.
In this example, we're searching for a Custom URL that our company agreed on called You may choose any available domain and extension that GoDaddy provides. This domain is only $1.99 for an entire year.
DNS Configuration
After you've purchased the domain, click on the DNS button next to the domain's listing on your GoDaddy home page. This will take you to the DNS settings of the domain.
Add A CNAME Record For WWW
Under the Records table, you'll need to add a CNAME record entry with the name www.
This record may already be added. Look on the list of records for a row with the Type equal to CNAME and with the Name equal to www.
If a CNAME record already exists with the name www, then we simply need to edit the existing record. If one doesn't exist, click on Add in the lower right-hand corner. We'll need to create a CNAME record with the name www that points to Crowdpurr's servers. This is what sends your participants' requests from your Custom URL to our servers, but keeps the Custom URL intact on their web browser.
In the New Record editor that opens, set the following values:
- Type: CNAME
- Host/Name: www
- Points to/Value:
- TTL: 1 Hour
Then click the Save button.
This will add a new DNS Record to the bottom of the table.
When Using a Subdomain for your Custom URL
If you're using a subdomain of an existing domain for your Custom URL, you'll need to edit the above CNAME record we just added. Instead of setting the Name to www, you'll use the exact name of the subdomain instead. For example, if you want your Custom URL to be the subdomain, you'll edit the CNAME record giving it a Host/Name value of trivia. Its Points-To/Value will still be set to
Add Domain Forwarding
If you've purchased a new domain for your Custom URL and are not using a subdomain, you'll need to configure domain forwarding so that all requests to your domain go to the www subdomain which we've just configured above to point to Crowdpurr's servers.
Scroll down on the DNS Settings page in GoDaddy and go to the Forwarding panel. Click on the Add button under Domain. Add the following settings:
- Forward To: http:// (first dropdown) (fill in your domain here)
- Forward Type: Permanent (301)
- Settings: Forward only
- Update my nameservers and DNS settings to support this change: checked
Click on the Save button. Do not add any settings for the Subdomain setting.
That's it! Your purchased domain or subdomain is now configured and should be ready to activate.
Testing Your Domain Settings
After entering the above settings allow up to fifteen minutes for the DNS settings we set to propagate across the Internet. Once fifteen minutes have passed, visit your Custom URL in any web browser. If you've entered the above settings correctly, entering into any browser will forward you to (feel free to type in either one). The Presentation View's URL Bar and the Participant View's address bar will always display your Custom URL without the www to require fewer characters for your participants to type in. This is why we set up Forwarding above.
Upon loading your Custom URL, your web browser will display Crowdpurr's default page to indicate your Custom URL is correctly pointing to Crowdpurr's servers but has not been activated yet.
Crowdpurr's default is shown until the Custom URL is activated by the Crowdpurr Team.
Finish Custom URL Setup Wizard
After completing the above settings you may return to the article Set Up a Custom URL For An Experience and complete Step 3. Activate Your Custom URL with Crowdpurr. You'll enter the name of your Custom URL without www (e.g. and press the Activate button. If using a subdomain you would enter the entire subdomain (e.g.
Once we activate your Custom URL, it will load your chosen Linked Experience automatically all while keeping the web browser's address bar set on your Custom URL for a white-labeled on-brand look and feel for your Experience's web address. It will no longer display "" in the address bar.
Participant View using an activated Custom URL
For More Information
Check out the article Set Up A Custom URL For An Experience for more information on adding a Custom URL for your Experiences.
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