The Social Channels page under the green Settings tab contains settings for selecting where your Social Wall should get posts from. You can also set which hashtag to use for retrieving Twitter and Instagram posts.

Social Channels page on the Experience Dashboard
Crowdpurr Settings
Display Posts From Crowdpurr
Enabling this allows participants to post directly to your wall using and your Experience Code. It will also display the link and code in the URL Bar of your Social Wall, pictured below. If you have a Custom URL enabled for your Social Wall, it will display that instead of Crowdpurr's default This message will be shown:

Disabling this setting will remove the message from the URL bar and removes the ability to post on the Participant View. If a participant does find the link, they'll see this screen:


Participant View when Display Posts From Crowdpurr is enabled |
When disabled, the Participant View will not allow participants to post to the Social Wall. It will point them to Twitter and/or Instagram and tell them what #hashtag to use. |
Why should I enable the Crowdpurr Participant View?
If you only want users to post through Twitter and Instagram, that's fine! But the Social Wall only checks for new posts on Twitter and Instagram every 5 minutes. Going directly through Crowdpurr's Participant View will add your participants' posts directly into the rotation, meaning they are published almost instantly. When users see their posts up on the big screen right away, they tend to stay engaged with your event longer.
Twitter Settings
Display Posts from Twitter
Enabling posts from Twitter will show your participants a #hashtag they can use to have their Tweets automatically show up on your Social Wall. Your Social Wall will check for new posts in your chosen tag every five minutes and automatically cycle through them. This message will also appear in the URL Bar of any Presentation Views you have open:

Why should I enable posts from Twitter?
Twitter has 330 million active monthly users and lets users post Tweets with only text. Additionally, you can get the whole conversation. Any replies or retweets are treated as entirely separate posts. Any post that mentions your #hashtag or the @username you specify will be displayed. Most of the activity on Instagram comes from likes and comments, which cannot be shown on the Social Wall.
Setting #hashtag or @username
In order for your Social Wall to know what posts to show, you need to enter a #hashtag or a @username for it to look up. The '#' or the '@' are required. These characters will tell the Social Channel what you are looking for.
Type in your #hashtag or @username of choice and press Save. Your Social Wall will begin looking for new posts every 5 minutes.
Why can't I change this setting?
This setting can only be changed if Display Posts From Twitter is enabled.
Instagram Settings
Display Posts From Instagram
Enabling posts from Instagram will show your participants a #hashtag they can use to have their Instagram posts automatically show up on your Social Wall. Every five minutes, your Social Wall will check for new posts in your chosen tag and automatically cycle through them. This message will also appear in the URL Bar of any Presentation Views you have open:

Why should I enable posts from Instagram?
Instagram is incredibly popular, and has one of the largest active user bases, with over one billion active users each month. The odds are pretty good that some of the people in your crowd will have Instagram accounts! Plus, Instagram has a much longer text limit on posts. If you want to get the whole story on display, Instagram could be a better fit than Twitter.
Setting #hashtag or @username
For your Social Wall to know what posts to show, you need to enter a #hashtag or a @username for it to look up. The '#' or the '@' are required; they will tell the Social Channel what you are looking for.
Type in your #hashtag or @username of choice and press Save. Your Social Wall will begin looking for new posts every 5 minutes.
Why can't I change this setting?
This setting can only be changed if Display Posts From Instagram is enabled.
Which Social Channels should I use?
Whichever source you're most comfortable with is probably your best bet. They all offer very similar services: posting, sharing photos, and messages. There is nothing stopping you from taking posts from all three! Anything your participants post to their own accounts will also be shown to their followers. If you're looking to advertise your event or business, that's perfect! If you want to keep it private, that's not.
None of them are without downsides, though. Twitter has the shortest text limit of the three, meaning users may have to post "threads" of Tweets, which may not all show on the wall. Instagram posts are required to include an image, which you may not want for your event. Instagram also has the longest text limit on posts, so very long posts could clog up your Social Wall, or prove too distracting for your event.
One last thing to keep in mind for Social Channels - new posts from Twitter and Instagram are queued up every 5 minutes. This means there will be a slight delay between the time your participants use the #hashtag and when the post gets put on the Social Wall. To keep the posts relevant, only posts from the last 48 hours will go up on the wall.
What if I disable every source of posts?
If you enable one or more sources for a short time, post a few things yourself, then disable future posting, you could ensure only a few certain posts ever get displayed.
The message below will be the only message to appear in the URL Bar. In this case, disabling the URL Bar in the Presentation View Settings is recommended.

If anyone gains access to the Participant View, they will see this message:

Participant View when no Social Channel is enabled
More Information on Social Walls & Settings
Check out these articles for more info on Social Walls & Settings:
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