The Playback & Timing tab under the green Settings tab contains settings affecting the timing and which Experience Playback Mode your Poll uses. You can use these settings to specify how fast your Poll's questions run and how your Poll's playback will function depending on the type of event you are running (e.g. a live presentation, a trade show booth, an online poll, etc.)
Poll Playback & Timing tab on the Experience Dashboard
Countdown Timer
This setting allows you to set a duration that your Poll will count down before actually starting. This is useful if you want to indicate to your participants when your Poll will actually start in case they join ahead of time. Participants will see a timer counting down on both the overall Presentation View and their own Participant View on their mobile devices. Your Poll will automatically start once the timer finishes counting down.
By default, the Countdown Timer is set for 10 seconds for new Poll Experiences. To edit the duration of the Countdown Timer, use the drop-down boxes to select how many minutes and seconds you want for your timer. Once set, the green box will show how long the Countdown Timer is set for.
Editing the Poll's Countdown Timer to 20 seconds
When the Countdown Timer is enabled, the green Play button on the Playback Controls will be replaced with a blue Start Countdown (clock) button. Once you initiate the Countdown Timer, both the Participant View and the Presentation View will display the Countdown Timer and it will begin counting down. Your Poll will begin with the first question once the timer reaches zero seconds. Alternatively, you can click the Start button to skip the remaining time on the Countdown Timer and immediately start your Poll instead.
An Experience with the Countdown Timer enabled |
An Experience with the Countdown Timer disabled |
To disable the Countdown Timer completely, set the time to zero. Your Poll will then start immediately upon pressing the green Start button above.
No Countdown Timer enabled
Auto-Start When Countdown Ends
With the Auto-Start When Countdown Ends feature, you can set whether you want your Poll to automatically start or not when the Countdown Timer ends. By default, this setting is enabled and will automatically start the Poll once the Countdown Timer ends. Disabling this setting is useful if you have a long Countdown Timer for an upcoming event (e.g. several hours or more) but you would like to display or present content before actually starting the Experience once the Countdown Timer ends.
Schedule Start Time
The Schedule Start Time section allows you to schedule your Poll to start automatically at a specified point in the future. This is highly useful when you may want to begin a Poll at a future date and time without having to log back into Crowdpurr to manually start it.
For more information on this feature, please visit the following page: Schedule Start Time Explained
Schedule End Time
Alternatively, the Schedule End Time section allows you to set a duration for your Poll to run before automatically ending. This is highly useful when you want your Poll to end automatically without having to log back into Crowdpurr to manually close the live answering.
For more information on this feature, please visit the following page: Schedule End Time Explained
Question Timer
These settings allow you to adjust the time each question is displayed to your participants and how long they have to answer.
Use Question Timer
By default, the Question Timer is disabled when first creating a Poll. The Question Timer sets how long participants have to answer each question in your Poll. When the timer expires, the participant will no longer be able to answer the question. Participants can see the Question Timer counting down on both the Presentation View and Participant View.
If the Question Timer is disabled, participants can take as long as you, the host, allow to answer a question.
Automatically Start Question Timer
Enabling this setting will start each question's timer automatically upon updating the Active Question. Disabling this setting requires the host to manually start each question's timer using the Start Question Timer (S) button which appears in the above Viewer Controls pane. This setting is useful when you don't want to automatically start the Question Timer for each question. Perhaps you want to introduce each question first, discuss its topic, then start the Question Timer and allow participants to respond. Participants may only begin answering a question once you start the Question Timer.
Manually Start Question (S) enabled under the Viewer Controls
Hide Answers Before Question Starts
Enabling this setting will hide each question's answers until the host manually starts each question's timer using the Start Question Timer (S) button which appears in the above Viewer Controls pane. This setting is useful when you don't want to show the answers to your audience right away. Perhaps you want to introduce each question first, discuss its topic, then start the Question Timer and allow participants to respond. Participants won't be able to see the answers to a question until you start the Question Timer. This can help keep participants focused on the host, rather than immediately thinking about which option to choose.
Presentation View before starting Question Timer
Presentation View after starting Question Timer
Participant View before starting Question Timer |
Participant View after starting Question Timer |
Question Time
This input allows you to set how long each question lasts and how much time your Participants have to answer each question. By default, it is set to 30 seconds for a new Poll.
To adjust it, use the dropdown boxes to select how many minutes and seconds you want for the Question Timer and click the green Save button next to them. When set, the green box will show how long the Question Timer is set for.
Experience Playback Mode
This setting allows you to set what playback format your Poll uses. There are several Experience Playback Modes that are suited for various types of event formats. By default, Polls run in Host Controlled Mode.
In this mode, your Poll is entirely controlled manually by the host (you). The host is responsible for switching questions, triggering different views for participants (e.g. live answers), and progressing the Poll along. Nothing will occur in the Poll if it is not triggered by the host. Because of this, Host Controlled Mode is great when you want to have your crowd answer a few questions, then go to some different content or a different speaker, then return to the same Poll and answer more questions. The Poll will remain on the last question answered indefinitely until it is updated by the host.
Your crowd will participate in sync on the same question. This mode is designed for large groups of participants interacting together and having a host that needs to narrate or otherwise speak to the content being shown. This mode is best used for presentations made to live audiences, live virtual Polls, and Polls where a host or narrator is hosting the game.
In this mode, your Poll runs automatically once it is started. It automatically progresses through each question based on the Question Timer and optionally shows the Live Answer Results after each question. Your crowd is all participating in sync on the same question. This mode can automatically restart your Poll for an infinite loop.
This mode is designed for use cases where the host wants to start the Poll and have it run automatically and/or continuously loop all day or all through an event. When a participant joins the Poll, they will join on whatever the current active question is.
In this mode, your crowd can participate individually at entirely different times and not in sync. Your participants can complete all of your Poll questions at their own pace. The Crowd Controlled Mode is designed for surveys, walk-up booth traffic, or any use case where individuals are participating at separate times versus together in sync as a group. When a participant joins, they will always start at the beginning of a Poll and then proceed at their own pace.
For more detailed information, check out the article Experience Playback Modes Explained.
Automatic Viewer Settings
This setting specifies which views are automatically shown to your participants after a question
Show Live Answer Results Automatically
Enabling this setting will automatically show a question's Live Answer Results after the question's timer expires. If the Question Timer is disabled, then this view will display after a participant responds.
For Host Controlled, Show Live Answers (A) must be triggered manually using the Experience Dashboard button or the keyboard shortcut (A).
Automatic Restart Settings
These settings control how your Poll restarts when using Fully Automatic Mode.
Restart Experience Automatically
For Fully Automatic Polls only, enabling this setting automatically restarts the Poll when it finishes the final question. This will cause your Poll to infinitely loop while continuing to accumulate players and votes throughout the day or week.
This is useful for longer-format events like trade shows where the crowd may join the Poll at any time and not necessarily answer together.
Clear Crowd Responses Automatically
For Fully Automatic Polls that have the above Restart Experience Automatically setting enabled, enabling the Clear Crowd Responses Automatically setting will also automatically clear crowd responses each time your Poll restarts. This will cause your Poll to start fresh with zero existing responses after each automatic restart. This is useful when you want to run a Poll repeatedly over the course of an event, but have it start fresh with zero participants each time it loops.
More Information on Polls & Settings
Check out these articles for more info on Polls & Settings:
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