Survivor Trivia gives your audience the thrill and experience of a "last man standing" survivor-style trivia game.
How Does Survivor Trivia Work?
With Survivor Trivia, your crowd must answer every question correctly in order to advance to the next question and ultimately win. If a player answers a question incorrectly or not within the time allotted for each question, they are eliminated.
After each question, you can display which players are still "alive" in the game to your crowd both on the Participant View devices and on the large-format Presentation View. After your last question is displayed, you can display all the players who answered every question correctly and are the ultimate Survivors!
Branding Survivor Trivia to Your Own Company, Brand, or Client
Survivor Trivia gets its own fun default look that is similar to the popular HQ Trivia format. However, you can always upload your own logo and backgrounds to make Survivor Trivia look like your company, brand, or client's look and feel. Feel free to come up with your own fun "spin" on the HQ Trivia name, logo, and theme. Updating the logo and backgrounds are premium Crowdpurr features. For more information on how to do that, check out the article - Upload Custom Backgrounds To Experiences
How Players Get Eliminated
Survivor Trivia players must answer every question correctly in order to keep playing. If they answer incorrectly or if time runs out, they are eliminated; however, there are some advanced options below that soften the rules of the game.
Determining The Winners
Survivor Trivia winners are whichever players have answered every single question correctly by the end of the game.
You can also configure your Survivor Trivia to make the winners whichever group of players answer the most questions correctly as there may be zero players who have actually answered every single question correctly.
Multiple Winners
In the Survivor Mode trivia format, there is no setting to only allow one winner in a Survivor Trivia game. Players keep playing as long as they haven't answered a question incorrectly or run out of time to answer a question. You may have multiple winners (or Survivors) at the end of your Survivor Trivia game, so be sure to add enough questions with sufficient difficulty!
However, you can simply add enough questions with sufficient difficulty to allow you to keep going through questions until you only have one player remaining and this would be the winner. The questions will need to be difficult enough to eliminate players down to only one. However, be careful as sometimes you can eliminate all the players in this process if all players answer incorrectly instead of only getting down to one.
If this happens, you'll need to go back to the previous question and view the Rankings to see the winners or state that the game did not have a winner. If you run out of questions, or only have a game with a small number of questions (e.g. five to ten questions) you'll likely have multiple winners at the end. On all of our Premium Plans, you can add up to 100 questions per trivia game.
Building Your Survivor Trivia Game
Building your Survivor Trivia Game works similarly to the other types of Crowdpurr Trivia formats. Use the Experience Dashboard to add questions and answers, and configure the types of questions. To learn more about building your Trivia Game, check out the article Adding, Editing, & Removing Questions.
Support for Live Streaming Video & Audio
Crowdpurr offers a crowd-based Trivia Game component with the same rules, and format (e.g. Last Man Standing) as HQ. Crowdpurr even offers the option to integrate a live video stream that will display directly on players' Participant Views as they play the Trivia Game! You can embed your live video stream via YouTube Live, Twitch, or even a live Zoom Meeting!
For more information on how to add your own live stream, have a look at the following article - Adding a Live Stream to Crowdpurr
Survivor Trivia Options
Crowdpurr has added a few useful features that you may want to take advantage of when using Survivor Trivia for your crowd. We've added the following options to allow you full control of your trivia game. You can find them under the green Settings tab, under the Trivia Format heading.
Eliminated Players Keep Playing
Enabling this setting allows your players to keep playing even after they have been eliminated. Eliminated players won't be able to win, but they can still continue to participate. If this setting is disabled, eliminated players will be locked out from answering future questions.
Survivor Mode enabled on the Trivia Format tab
Always Show A Winner
Enabling this setting will always show a winner on both the Presentation View and Participant View when you enable Show Rankings Leaderboard (R) on the Experience Dashboard. In the event that all of your players are unable to answer every question correctly, this setting will display the player(s) that answered the most questions correctly as the winners.
If this setting is disabled, players must answer every single question correctly to show on the leaderboard. If no players answered every question correctly, Crowdpurr will say that there were no survivors on the final question.
Displaying Question Results & Current Survivors To Your Crowd
During the Trivia Game and after each question is answered, you have several views you can show to your crowd such as the live answer results, correct answers, and current survivors. These "views" update on both the Presentation View and all crowd Participant Views which are all the player devices.
Show Answer Results For Each Question
During the Trivia Game, after each question is answered, you can show how many players selected each answer. You can do this by clicking on Show Live Answer Results (A) on the Experience Dashboard under the Viewer Controls section. You can also press the A key on your keyboard to enable this setting.
Show Correct Answer For Each Question
During the Trivia Game, after each question is answered, you can reveal the correct answer to your audience by clicking on Show Correct Answer (C) on the Experience Dashboard under the Viewer Controls section. You can also press the C key on your keyboard to enable this setting.
Show Current Survivors
Lastly, you can show the current list of Survivors. In a Survivor Trivia game, there is no "leaderboard" with points and rankings. Instead, a Survivor List is displayed with each player's nickname. The players shown have answered every question correctly in the amount of time allotted for each question. You can do this by clicking Show Rankings (R) on the Experience Dashboard under the Viewer Controls section. You can also press the R key on your keyboard to enable this setting.
Showing Final Results
At the end of your list of trivia questions, you can show the crowd the final Survivor List and announce the winner(s) of your game!
Exporting Trivia Game Results
When your Trivia Game is complete, every answer from every participant can be exported to a CSV file spreadsheet for import into a data-processing software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. You can also collect participant lead capture data like First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Email, Age, and many others. This data can be exported to obtain lead capture data from your audience. Lead capture data is also tied to answer results so you can see who voted for which answers! For more information, please visit - Exporting Trivia Game Scores, Rankings & Data to a Spreadsheet
At a minimum, your players must input a Nickname to have their name displayed on the Survivor List.
Frequently Asked Questions
We've created a list of frequently asked questions about Survivor Trivia. Check out the article - Survivor Trivia Frequently Asked Questions
More Information on Trivia Games
Check out the following articles for more help on Trivia Games:
- Step-by-Step Getting Started with Crowdpurr Trivia Tutorial
- Team Trivia Explained
- Working With Experiences
- Working With Questions
- Advanced Trivia Game Settings
- Adding, Editing, & Removing Multiple-Choice Answers
- Setting the Correct Answer for a Trivia Game Question
- Setting Up & Customizing the Presentation View
- Exporting Trivia Game Scores & Data to a Spreadsheet
- Setup & Export Lead Capture Data of Your Participants
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