Use Crowdpurr's Action Effects to add fun effects like confetti, starbursts, and more all throughout the Participant View.
Action Effects are designed to trigger when these instances occur in an Experience:
- When players answer trivia questions correctly
- When players earn a Bingo
- Triggering the Winner Reveal Animations for the Top 3 Players
Enabling Action Effects on the Experience Dashboard
To display Action Effects, this setting must first be enabled for your Trivia Game or Bingo Game. By default, this setting is enabled for any newly created Experience.
To enable this setting, navigate to the green Settings tab on the Experience Dashboard, then head to the Interface section. Finally, locate the Interface Settings section and enable the Show Action Effects setting as displayed below:
Show Action Effects enabled
When players answer trivia questions correctly or earn a bingo in a Bingo Game, Action Effects are automatically triggered and displayed on their Participant View illustrated below:
Trivia Game Example Action Effects after answering correctly |
Bingo Game Example Action Effects after winning a Bingo |
Action Effects also appear alongside the Winner Reveal Animations at the end of a Trivia or Bingo Game:
Action Effects during the Winner Reveal Animations |
Manually Triggering Action Effects
Enabling the Show Action Effects setting will allow automated Action Effects to trigger after a specific event; however, you're welcome to manually Throw Confetti during your Experience at any time.
You can press the "Y" key on your keyboard to quickly throw extra confetti on-demand on both the Presentation View and Participant View.
Throw Confetti (Y) shortcut enabled on the Presentation View
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