Text Answer questions are a great way to get your crowd to carefully think about their answers. However, the freedom to enter whatever they want means that some participants may be tempted to input profanity in their answers. If that may be a concern for your event, consider enabling some of the Profanity & Review Settings under the green Settings tab of your Experience.
Enabling Auto-Review Text-Responses will automatically handle responses with profanity. You have two options for Auto-Review: Censor Flagged Posts and Reject Flagged Posts.
Manually Review Text-Responses
Enabling Manually Review Text-Responses is the most comprehensive way to make sure you get exactly what you expect on the Presentation View and Participant View. You have the final say on every answer!
In the green Settings tab of your Experience, click the Interface tab. Next, locate the Profanity & Review Settings section and enable Manually Review Text-Responses, as displayed below.
Manually Review Text-Responses setting enabled
Approving and Rejecting Answers
Before receiving any answers from your crowd, be sure to check the blue Questions tab of your Experience. You'll see the format of this page has changed slightly.
Additional Review Incoming Answers section displayed on the Questions tab
There are now two areas for answers instead of just one. Review Incoming Answers will hold all the responses from your crowd until you either approve or reject them. Crowd Answers will hold all the answers you've already approved. The Presentation View and Participant View will only show answers from the approved Crowd Answers area.
On the Experience Dashboard, all incoming text responses will land under the Review Incoming Answers section on the Active Question tab. As the host, you will need to either approve or reject each text answer. Alternatively, you can also update an answer before approving it.
To approve or reject an answer, click the Review (!) button on its far right side. The Approve or Reject panel will open.
Click the green Approve (thumbs up) button to approve it. This moves that answer into the Crowd Answers area. All approved answers will also show on the Presentation View and Participant View, if and when you have Show Live Answer Results (A) enabled.
Sometimes, answers may be correct but do not technically match any of the Correct Answer variations set for this question. This is usually due to spelling errors and/or a variation on the answer (e.g. someone typing "White House" when the correct answer is "The White House." You can mark these types of responses as correct by clicking the gray Correct (star) button on the left side.
This will change the answer to match the first Correct Answer out of your set of valid correct answers. This can come in handy for misspelled words or other unexpected variations on the correct answer. Be sure to enter many correct variations on the correct answer in order to "catch" as many correct-answer variations as possible (e.g. "White House", "The White House", "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue", "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", etc.)
In this case, when we marked "White House" and "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue" as correct, they changed to "The White House" and joined under the same answer. |
Be sure to approve any wrong answers as well! This will display them alongside the correct answer when you activate the Show Live Answer Results (A) or Show Correct Answer (C) view.
Now, let's pretend these responses are full of profanity:
Click the Review (!) button, then click the red Thumbs Down button to reject an answer. This will completely remove the response from your experience, so a confirmation message will appear. Double-check that you've chosen the right response then click Reject.
To change a response, click the Review (!) button, and retype it for a more appropriate response. Click the green Approve (thumbs up) button afterward to save and approve it. You can censor or remove profanity, capitalize responses to give them a more professional look, or correct misspelled words. Change it however you like, and it will be recorded as that participant's response.
If an answer would otherwise be correct without the profanity, you can just click the Correct (star) button to nest it under the correct response below. You do have the option of rejecting it, of course. By manually reviewing all text responses, it is ultimately your choice.
Auto-Review Text-Responses
Manually reviewing every single answer that comes in can take a lot of time, especially for larger crowds. The Auto-Review Text-Responses setting helps in this scenario. As text answers come in, they are automatically checked for profanity and you can choose whether they get censored or deleted.
You can locate the Auto-Review Text Responses setting under the same Profanity & Review Settings section, as displayed below.
Auto-Review Text-Responses enabled
Censor Flagged Posts
Censoring posts will replace any profanity in the post with "*****." They will still be displayed automatically, but they will likely be marked incorrectly. If your Correct Answer actually contains profanity, responses that correctly match will display as correct but still be censored.
Auto-Review can help you save time and still show how your crowd really feels. | But take this into account if your answers are intended to include profanity! |
Reject Flagged Posts
To keep your experience more professional, rejecting flagged posts may be the better choice. Responses are automatically rejected if they contain profanity. The participant will not be allowed to respond again to the question. If playing a Trivia Game, they will forfeit the points for the question. The same goes for Polls with Unlimited Voting disabled. Once a response is sent, with or without profanity, the participant will not be able to respond again.
Answers have been Auto-Censored. You can clearly see what they meant. | Answers have been rejected. Nobody will know that someone sent a profanity-laced response! |
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