Your Social Wall should now be in the LIVE state and aggregating posts tagged with #cats and photos from Twitter and Instagram, along with accepting posts directly via the web app using Crowdpurr.
Posting to the Social Wall
Next, we'll send a test post to your Social Wall via the Participant View we opened earlier. Additionally, your Social Wall will also be picking up lots of #cats posts from Twitter and Instagram.
Feel free to invite friends or coworkers to help you test on their mobile devices. Or you can test your Social Wall all by yourself. After the next step, we'll learn how to reset your Social Wall and clear out any practice posts so feel free to have fun and experiment.
How Posts Appear on Your Social Wall
When new posts are published to your Social Wall, whether posted via the web using Crowdpurr or aggregated from Twitter or Instagram, they will appear on the Experience Dashboard under the Social Wall Dashboard tab in the Published Posts section. Posts will also appear on the Presentation View simultaneously for your audience to see.
Fairly quickly, your Experience Dashboard should start getting filled up with lots of #cats posts!
Social Wall tab on the Experience Dashboard
Adding a Post From The Web Using Crowdpurr
In the Participant View that we opened earlier, go ahead and type in following text:
"This is the craziest cat of all!"
Now let's add an image. For this tutorial, an image of a cat is used. Feel free to take your own photo or download an image of a cat to use. Next, upload the image using the Participant View. Feel free to crop the image how you like. Finally, click on the blue Submit Post! button.
Participant View before submitting the post
Because we posted via the web using Crowdpurr, our post will instantly appear on the Experience Dashboard and also on the Presentation View. If you click on the post's image on the Experience Dashboard, a pop-up shows us the post and image more clearly.
Adding a Post Using Twitter and Instagram
Because your Social Wall is now LIVE, you will automatically see some posts coming in from both Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #cats. We intentionally used a very common hashtag so our Social Wall would pick up a lot of posts. Additionally, feel free to test Twitter and Instagram yourself as well. Just log into either app, create a new Tweet or post, and use the #cats hashtag (or your own #hashtag if you used a different one). Within a few minutes, your Tweet or Instagram post should publish to your Social Wall as long as there aren't thousands of other posts ahead of yours which in the case of #cats there may be.
Revisiting the Social Wall Presentation View
Now that we've added a post ourselves via the web using Crowdpurr's Participant View and we've also let several minutes pass, our Presentation View should now be filled up with plenty of posts on #cats. Let's check in on it by going back to our open Presentation View or simply opening up a new Presentation View if you previously closed the old one.
Yep, plenty of #cats posts from across the Internet!
The Presentation View will show appropriate messages based on if your Social Wall is in the Ready To Start state, the Live state, or the Finished state.
Next Steps
Great! We now see that our Social Wall is working with the web, Twitter, and Instagram. Let's learn how to finish and reset our Social Wall to clear out our practice posts and get it ready for your actual live event. Go to the next step Finishing & Resetting the Social Wall.
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