At this point, you've already set up your Header Message, enabled social media channels, selected #hashtags, opened a Participant View to post with, and launched the Presentation View to display your Social Wall. We're now ready to start your Social Wall!
When you first create a Social Wall, it will be in the Ready To Start state. While in the Ready To Start state, your crowd will not be allowed to post any messages to your Social Wall through Crowdpurr. Any posts made on Twitter and Instagram that mention your #hashtag or @username will not publish to your Social Wall until your Social Wall is activated.
Starting a Social Wall
To activate your Social Wall and begin aggregating posts from Twitter and Instagram, as well as allowing your crowd to post through Crowdpurr, you'll first need to Start it. To start a Social Wall, click on the green circular green Play button under the Playback Controls section in the upper-left corner of the Experience Dashboard. After clicking the Play button, your Social Wall will be in the Live state.
Play button under Playback Control on the Experience Dashboard
Your Social Wall is now Live and your crowd can now post using Crowdpurr, Twitter, or Instagram. Any new visitors will now be able to immediately post without waiting. The Participant View will now show a text box and image-uploading section.
Participant View displays for an active Social Wall
Additionally, Crowdpurr will start querying Twitter and Instagram for the #hashtags or @usernames you've specified. The Play button on the Experience Dashboard now turns into a yellow Pause button if you need to pause your Social Wall.
Starting a Social Wall with Countdown Timer Enabled
By default, newly-created Social Walls do not have the Countdown Timer enabled. However, you can always enable this setting if you would like to display a Countdown Timer to your participants before they can begin posting on the wall. To learn how to enable a Social Wall's Countdown Timer, please check out - Social Wall Settings - Playback & Timing
After enabling the Countdown Timer with your desired duration, your Poll will count down for the duration you have set it to before going live.
To initiate the Countdown Timer for your Social Wall, click on the blue Countdown Timer with a clock icon under the Playback Controls heading. Once you click this button, a prompt will pop up confirming the initiation to Start the Social Wall's Countdown Timer.
Start Countdown confirmation module
There are a couple of options displayed on the Start Countdown module.
Start Countdown Options
- Auto-Start When Countdown Ends
- Start Countdown
- Skip Countdown
By default, this setting is enabled and will automatically start the Social Wall once the Countdown Timer ends. Disabling this setting is useful if you have a long Countdown Timer for an upcoming event (e.g. several hours or more) but you would like to display or present content before actually starting the Experience once the Countdown Timer ends.
Choosing this option will begin the Countdown Timer as normal. If you have the previous Auto-StartWhen Countdown Ends feature enabled, this will immediately open up the Social Wall for live posting. Alternatively, if the previous setting is disabled, the Social Wall will not begin at the end of the timer until the host manually activates the wall.
Selecting this option will skip the Countdown Timer completely and will begin your Experience immediately instead. If you previously disabled the Auto-Start When Countdown Ends feature, you can select Skip Countdown once you're ready to begin the Experience after the Countdown Timer has ended.
Pausing a Social Wall
During your live event and active Social Wall, you may want to pause live posting at any time. Pausing your Social Wall will temporarily stop your crowd from posting messages via Crowdpurr and will show the crowd a "Social Wall Paused, Will Resume Shortly" message in the Participant View on their mobile devices. Additionally, querying Twitter and Instagram will pause temporarily.
Social Wall Paused message on the Participant View
To pause a Social Wall, simply click on the yellow circular Pause button under Playback Controls. To resume a Social Wall and continue posting, simply click the button again, which has now turned into the Play button to indicate that this will resume your Social Wall.
Click on the yellow Pause button under the Playback Control to pause an Experience.
Next Steps
Now that you've started your Social Wall, we're ready to make our first post! Go to the next step Posting to the Social Wall.
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