Social Walls give your crowd a place to share their thoughts during your event about the topic of your Social Wall's headline or whatever they choose to include in their post. As the host of your Experience, you may want to review incoming Social Wall posts before they're published live on your Social Wall's Presentation View for all to see. Crowdpurr offers several options for reviewing, approving, and rejecting posts on your Social Wall.
Managing Existing Posts Without Using Manual Review
If your Social Wall is live and you haven't enabled any Review Settings, you can still edit and remove posts that appear on your Social Wall. As unwanted posts come in, you can simply edit or remove them from the blue Live Results tab on the Social Wall's Experience Dashboard.
Reviewing Existing Posts
Using popular or broad #hashtags or @usernames on Instagram or Twitter could result in a wide variety of posts on your Social Wall. This can result in anything from off-topic posts at best, or highly inappropriate posts and language at worst. Without any moderation, your wall may end up like this...
The Social Wall contains a lot of strange posts that don't make any sense.
To edit or remove posts, go to the blue Social Wall tab on the Experience Dashboard of the Social Wall.
We can see and edit the existing published posts live on our Social Wall.
Here, you can see every post published to your Social Wall which is currently active and displayed on your Social Wall's Presentation View.
Editing Existing Posts
To change or remove a post, click its gray Edit (pencil) button. This opens the post's Edit panel.
Available editing options for a published Social Wall post
You may update any post's body regardless of its source (e.g. Twitter, Instagram, or directly using Crowdpurr). Simply edit the post's text and click the green Save (checkmark) button afterward to save your changes.
Removing Existing Posts
To completely remove a post, click the red Remove Post (trash can) button on the post's Edit panel. A message will pop up to confirm that you want to delete it. Double-check that you chose the right one, and click Remove.
Manually Review Text-Responses
Crowdpurr offers a complete Social Wall post-review to allow you to review, edit, reject, and approve all Social Wall posts before they get published live to your Social Wall. With this setting enabled, posts will never be shown until you approve them.
To activate manual review, go to the green Settings tab, and the Interface tab. In the box labeled Profanity & Review Settings, enable the option Manually Review Text-Responses.
Manually Review Text-Responses setting enabled on the Interface tab
The blue Social Wall tab on the Experience Dashboard will now display a Review Incoming Posts section and an Approved Posts section. All new incoming Social Wall posts will now land in the Review Incoming Posts section before being posted to your Social Wall. You're required to approve each post for it to actually be published live on your Social Wall.
If your Social Wall is live and you've set a popular #hashtag, like #cats or #dogs for Twitter and/or Instagram, you should see the Review Incoming Posts area start to fill up. You can also use the Crowdpurr Participant View to create posts manually if you've enabled Display Posts From Crowdpurr under the Social Channels section of the green Settings tab.
Reviewing & Approving Unapproved Posts
The Experience Dashboard will show up to 20 unapproved incoming posts at a time. To scroll through them, click on the blue Arrow buttons to see the next page of up to twenty. They are sorted by the time they were sent with older posts showing first.
Choose a post you would like to approve and display on your Social Wall. If a post has an image attached, you can click on the image to get a better view of it.
Clicking on the image from an unapproved post waiting to be approved.
To approve a post, click the Review (!) button. This will open the Edit panel of the post.
Click on the green Approve (thumbs up) button to approve the post. This will remove it from the Review Incoming Posts area, and move it to the Approved Posts area of the Experience Dashboard. This also publishes the post live to your Social Wall's Presentation View. You may also edit the text of a Social Wall post before approving as well.
Rejecting an Unapproved Post
Choose a post you do not wish to publish to your Social Wall.
Click the Review (!) button to bring up the panel, and click the red Reject (thumbs down) button. A message confirming that you want to delete it will show up. You can't get this post back, so make sure it's the right post.
Auto-Review Text-Responses
The third option is to enable Auto-Review Text-Responses. This setting allows you to automatically review posts by either censoring their content or rejecting the post if profanity is detected using our internal profanity algorithm.
Though it won't be as thorough as going through each post manually, it can save you a lot of time if your only concern is profanity. There are two settings to choose from for Auto-Review Text-Responses.
Censor Flagged Posts
This option will replace any profanity in the post with a set of asterisks to censor the profane words. So any inappropriate words will be replaced with: *******. Posts will publish to your Social Wall's Presentation View and Experience Dashboard without manual review. If the post is sourced from Twitter or Instagram, the original post will still exist on Twitter and Instagram uncensored.
Reject Flagged Posts
This option will simply reject any posts with profanity. Participants will not be able to post from Crowdpurr until they've edited their posts to no longer contain profanity. If a post is sourced from Twitter or Instagram, it will simply not be published to the Social Wall's Presentation View or Experience Dashboard. The posts will still exist on Twitter and Instagram however.
What's Next?
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