After you've created a new Trivia Game, you'll be taken to the Experience Dashboard of your game.
Experience Dashboard
The Experience Dashboard is where you set up, edit, and run your Trivia Game. It's the nerve center of your newly created Trivia Game. It contains the Playback Control section that allows you to start, pause, stop, reset, and ultimately "drive" your Trivia Game.
You also use the Experience Dashboard to edit your Trivia Game's questions, add new questions, edit answers, view rankings, and export your Trivia Game's data. By default, a 10-second Countdown Timer is enabled. For more information, see Trivia Game Settings - Playback and Timing.
Before we start our Trivia Game, let's make some adjustments to the questions that were added from the previous Movies trivia game we selected earlier in this tutorial.
Your First Three Questions
If you've followed this tutorial to this point, you will have 3 existing questions from a pre-written trivia game we've selected from the Movies category. These questions are displayed under the blue Questions tab. Feel free to look at each question that was created and you'll see that both a question and its answer options were added. Each question also has a Correct Answer that has already been marked with a yellow star to the left of the answer. For these questions, there is nothing else you'll need to do as they're all ready to use.
Removing A Question
Next, we'll learn how to remove a question. We'll be removing the third question, Question 3, which was previously added.
First, head to the blue Questions tab on the Experience Dashboard and click on the third question tab, labeled Question 3.
Next, click on the green Edit button with a pencil icon to the right of the question. This will open the question's Edit Panel. This will allow you to edit and/or remove the question.
Now, click on the red Remove Question button with a trashcan icon. This will remove the question, along with its answer choices.
Adding A Blank Question
Let's demonstrate adding our own custom question now. Additionally, there are two ways you can quickly add a blank question.
From the Questions Tab
The quickest way to add a blank question is to simply click on the (+) icon located to the right of Question 2. This will instantly add a blank question after the second question.
Using Question Tools
The second way to add a blank question is by using the gray Question Tools tab to the far right of the question tabs. This will open a pop-up with a green (+) button under a label that says Add Blank Question. Click on this button to add a new blank question to our Trivia Game as the new third question. This question will have default question text and will have four newly added answer options all with default text that we'll need to edit.
Edit Your New Question
Let's create our own Movie-themed question. Let's edit our question to ask, "What movie has the highest adjusted gross-income of all-time?"
Simply click on the green Edit button to the right of the question's text. This puts the question into Edit Mode where we can make adjustments to the question like updating the text of the question. There are other options to edit, but let's just edit the question's text for now. After you're done, simply click the green Save button with a checkmark on the right to save the question.
Edit the Answers for Your New Custom Question
Now that you've edited your question, it's time to update each of the Multiple Choice answers. By default, Crowdpurr sets each question as a Multiple Choice question and adds 4 default answer options for your crowd to choose from.
To edit an answer choice, click on the green Edit button with a pencil icon to the right of the answer. This puts the answer into Edit Mode where an edit panel drops down to allow you to edit the text of each answer, update the answer's color, set the answer as correct, or delete the answer entirely.
Let's change the first answer to the movie Titanic. When you've finished adding the text, click on the green Save button with a checkmark to save the text.
Continue by editing the next three answers to the following answer choices:
- Gone With The Wind
- Star Wars
- Avatar
Set the Correct Answer
Since we've created a Trivia Game, one of the question's answers must be set as the Correct Answer in order to let Crowdpurr know which answer is correct. To set the correct answer for each question, simply click on the correct answer's Edit button with a pencil icon to the right of the answer. In the Edit Panel that opens, click the Set As Correct Answer button with a star icon. For this question, we'll set Gone With The Wind as the correct answer. Notice that the Correct Star Badge is now on Gone With The Wind.
You can also set the correct answer for a question by simply clicking on the empty star icon to the left of the answer you want to mark as correct. Feel free to give it a try by clicking the star next to Star Wars. After this, make sure to click the star next to Gone With The Wind since this is the actual correct answer.
Re-Ordering Questions
Now we'll learn how to re-order questions. Simply drag and drop the different question tabs to reorder a question. As an example, click and drag on the Question 3 tab and release it when it's in the first available tab slot of our Trivia Game. This should move Question 3 to the Question 1 space and push our other two questions one space over to the right.
Reordering questions by dragging and dropping
You can also move a question by clicking the question's Edit button with a pencil and adjusting the Question Order field manually in the question's edit panel. Finally, Save the question.
Reordering questions by manually editing the Question Order
Trivia Game Question Setup Complete
Nice! We now have a Trivia Game with 3 fun questions, one of which is our own custom question that we've written ourselves!
Next Steps
Now that our questions are edited and ready to be played, let's learn about how your crowd actually joins and plays the Trivia Game. Go to the next step, Opening the Trivia Game's Participant View.
hi I am having trouble loading to actually try setting up a trial game. read through tutorial but can see any but that let's me try out your product. I want to see if this product will suit my needs.
Yes, just simply click on the "Log In" button on the upper right-hand corner of this help page or on to log into the main application. Or you can go to: in any browser.
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